Operation |
Keyword |
Arguments |
Details |
Load |
load |
filename |
Load the specified image file and make it the current image. |
Save |
save |
filename |
Save the current image to the specified file. |
Difference |
diff |
filename |
Subtract the given image file from the current image and put the
result in the current image.
Run |
run |
filename |
Executes the script named filename. The script should contain
a sequence of other commands for the program, one per line. The script
must end with a newline. |
Color to Grayscale |
gray |
Use the formula I = 0.299r + 0.587g + 0.114b to convert color images
to grayscale. This will be a key pre-requisite for many other operations.
This operation should not affect alpha in any way. |
24 to 8 bit Color |
All of these operations assume that the current image has 24 bits of
color information. They should still produce 24 bit images, but there
should only be 256 different colors in the resulting image (so the image
could be stored as an 8 bit indexed color image). Don't be concerned with
what happens if you run these operations on something that is already
quantized. These operations should not affect alpha. |
Uniform Quantization |
quant-unif |
Use the uniform quantization algorithm to convert the current image
from a 24 bit color image to an 8 bit color image. Use 4 shades of blue, 8
shades of red, and 8 shades of green in the quantized image. |
Populosity |
quant-pop |
Use the populosity algorithm to convert the current 24 bit color image
to an 8 bit color image. Before building the color usage histogram, do a
uniform quantization step down to 32 shades of each color. Then find the
256 most popular colors, then map the original colors onto their closest
chosen color. To find the closest color, use the euclidean (L2) distance
in RGB space. If (r1,g1,b1) and (r2,g2,b2) are the colors, use
sqrt((r1-r2)^2 + (g1-g2)^2 + (b1-b2)^2) suitably converted into C++ code.
Dithering |
All of these operations should convert the current image into an image
that only contains black and white pixels. If the current image is color,
you should automatically convert it to grayscale first (in fact, you could
convert all images to grayscale - it won't hurt already gray images).
These operations should all threshold dither the alpha channel, regardless
of what they do to the gray channel. That is, if the alpha channel is less
than 0.5, it goes to 0, otherwise it goes to 1.0. |
Naive Threshold Dithering |
dither-thresh |
Dither an image to black and white using threshold dithering with a
threshold of 0.5. |
Brightness Preserving Threshold Dithering |
dither-bright |
Dither an image to black and white using threshold dithering with a
threshold chosen to keep the average brightness constant. |
Random Dithering |
dither-rand |
Dither an image to black and white using random dithering. Add random
values chosen uniformly from the range [-0.2,0.2], assuming that the input
image intensity runs from 0 to 1 (scale appropriately). There is no easy
way to match the reference program with this method, so do not try. Use
either a threshold of 0.5 or the brightness preserving threshold. |
Ordered Dithering |
dither-order |
Dither an image to black and white using ordered dithering with the
matrix shown below. The image pixels should be compared to a threshold
that depends on the dither matrix below. The pixel should be drawn white
if: I[x][y] >= mask[x%4][y%4]. The matrix is:
0.1250 1.0000 0.1875 0.8125
0.6250 0.3750 0.6875 0.4375
0.2500 0.8750 0.0625 0.9375
0.7500 0.5000 0.5625 0.3125
Clustered Dithering |
dither-cluster |
Dither an image to black and white using cluster dithering with the
matrix shown below. The image pixels should be compared to a threshold
that depends on the dither matrix below. The pixel should be drawn white
if: I[x][y] >= mask[x%4][y%4]. The matrix is:
0.7500 0.3750 0.6250 0.2500
0.0625 1.0000 0.8750 0.4375
0.5000 0.8125 0.9375 0.1250
0.1875 0.5625 0.3125 0.6875
If you do this one, but not ordered dithering, then you will get
10 points for it. |
Floyd-Steinberg Dithering |
dither-fs |
Dither an image to black and white using Floyd-Steinberg dithering as
described in class. (Distribution of error to four neighbors and zig-zag
ordering). |
Filtering |
All of these operations should modify the current image, and assume
color images. The alpha channel should NOT be filtered. The alpha
channel for all the test images will be 1 for all pixels, so you do not
need to worry about the differences between filtering regular pixels or
pre-multiplied pixels. Implement whichever approach you prefer. |
Box Filter |
filter-box |
Apply a 5x5 box filter. |
Bartlett Filter |
filter-bartlett |
Apply a 5x5 Bartlett filter. |
Gaussian Filter |
filter-gauss |
Apply a 5x5 Gaussian filter. |
Edge Detect (High-Pass) |
filter-edge |
Apply a 5x5 edge detect filter derived from a Gaussian as indicated in
the lectures. (Note that the lecture notes derive the edge detect filter
from a Bartlett, so the matrix used in this operation should not be
identical). Clamp pixel values that fall outside the range 0-255. |
Edge Enhance |
filter-enhance |
Apply a 5x5 edge enhancement operator, using a Gaussian filter as the
underlying smoothing filter. Use the method shown in class to come up with
a single filter that does the enhancement in one pass, or use image
subtraction operations if you prefer. You should clamp pixel values that
fall outside the range 0-255.
Arbitrary-Size Gaussian Filter |
filter-gauss-n |
N (size) |
Apply an NxN Gaussian filter (necessary to implement NPR-Paint). |
Image Resizing |
All of these functions should change the size of the current image by
the appropriate amount. They should also operate on the alpha
channel. |
Half Size |
half |
Halve the image size, using a 5x5 Bartlett filter to perform the
smoothing. |
Double Size |
double |
Double the image size, using a 5x5 Bartlett filter to compute the
intermediate pixel values. |
Arbitrary Uniform Scale |
scale |
amount |
Scale the image up or down by the given multiplicative factor. By
uniform scaling I mean scale the x and y axes by the same amount, so the
aspect ratio does not change. Use Bartlett filters for the reconstruction.
The filter size should vary so that you always pick up at least nine
(three by three) values from the input image in constructing each pixel of
the output image. |
Compositing |
image |
All of these operations should composite the current image, A, with
the specified image, B, using A op B, where op is one of the operations
below. The result should replace the current image. |
Over |
comp-over |
image |
See class notes from Feb 14 |
Inside |
comp-in |
image |
Outside |
comp-out |
image |
Atop |
comp-atop |
image |
Xor |
comp-xor |
image |
Misc |
Arbitrary Rotation |
rotate |
amount |
Rotate the image clockwise by the given amount, specified in degrees.
The output image should be the same size as the imput image, with black
pixels where there is no input image data. Use Bartlett filters for the
reconstruction. The filter size should vary so that you always pick up at
least nine (three by three) values from the input image in constructing
each pixel of the output image. |
Blue Screen |
blue-screen |
Extract an alpha image from the current image using the blue-screen
method. The current image should be replaced by one that has zero alpha
where the original image is close to blue. |
NPR Paint |
npr-paint |
Apply a simplified version of Aaron Hertzmann's painterly rendering
algorithm from the 1998 SIGGRAPH Paper Painterly
Rendering with Curved Brush Strokes of Multiple Sizes. You need only
implement the multiple (circular) brush size version from section 2.1 of
this paper. A function to do the actual drawing of the circular strokes
(TargaImage::Paint_Stroke ) has been provided for you.
To match the reference solution (which is what you're graded on), your
implementation should use the brush size radii of 15, 7 and 2. Remember
that when calling the Gaussian-blur function, the filter size is
2 × radius + 1
The fg parameter should be set to 0.25, and the
threshold parameter T should be set to 50.
The difference function in Hertzmann's pseudo-code is
really Euclidean distance (as specified in the text below the
paintLayer figure), so you'll need to compute and store these
distances on a per-pixel basis. |