Useful Links

Working Environments:

·                 My Oracle , AimeWeb, ST-DOC , Benri, iAS Docs, WebIV, BUGDB,?sysvldb

·                 Google,

·                 Merriam-Webster Online,

·                 Docs: Java SE5.0 & J2EE 1.4

·                 Oracle-Base,


News, Email, Alumni:

·                 Sina ,CReaders , Ettoday, Wenxuecity, and BackChina  wuxia

·                 New Yorks Times , CNN

·                 Yahoo, Hotmail and GMail

·                 Maps at Yahoo, Google and MSN Virtual Earth

·                 My Wisconsin-Madison  and Wiscmail of UW-Madison

·                 Auth-Mail in Computer Science Department

·                 Lily BBS of Nanjing University ( Oversea Version) Unknown Space

·                 Chinaren Alumni & 5460 Alumni


Lives in San Francisco Bay Area:

·                 Local News NBC11 and abc7

·                 Banking and Credit Card: Bank of America , UWCUAmerican Express, Discover Card, Chase VISA Card, Citi Cards , Chase Perfect Card

·                 Some Shopping Websites Dealsea , Fatwallet , Deals List Amazon ,eBay

·                 Daily Life Verizon Wireless ,