In Teaching Building III, West Campus of USTC
On the Yellow Mountain with Huzi and Xiaoping
On the Yellow Mountain with Daliao, Ruangun, Huzi and Xiaoping
In Yuanming Yuan, Beijing
Taking a rest in Yuanming Yuan, with ZhaoP and Gaoli
In Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) Park, Beijing
In Longqing Gorge, Beijing
In the Summer Palace, Beijing with Laolv
On the Wutai Mountain
On the Songhua River, Harbin with my sister
Skiing in Yabuli, Heilongjiang
Visiting ice lanterns of Harbin
Received M.S degree in the Institute of Software, Academia Sinica
Annie by Lake Monona
Annie by Lake Wingra
Xiaoping on the Yellow Mountain
Jiangtu in beautiful west Szechwan
Shentu in the Summer Palace, Beijing
Lili in a student lounge, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Da Shimei, Hong in flowers
Xiaofu in somewhere
My sister in the World Park, Beijing
By Lake Mendota
At somewhere in the campus of UW-Madison
In the square in front of Engineering Hall, UW-Madison
At somewhere in the campus of UW-Madison
In my messy room of Saxony Apartment
At Wisconsin State Capitol
In Vilas Park
By Lake Wingra
Under the Statue of Liberty
By Devil's Lake
On the crookedest street in the World -- Lombard St. in San Francisco
With my car