In [1]:
# Code attribution: Yiyin Shen, Tyler Caraza-Harter
# Imports
from flask import Flask, request, Response
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import Process
import time
import pandas
import math
In [ ]:
# Build a webpage that does UCB testing
app = Flask("app")
ab = [1, 1]
total = [2, 2]
ucb = [10, 10]
cookie = "1"
def home():
global ab, total, ucb, cookie
if ucb[0] >= ucb[1]:
total[0] = total[0] + 1
resp = Response('Cat! <a href="visit?from=cat">Visit</a>')
total[1] = total[1] + 1
resp = Response('Dog! <a href="visit?from=dog">Visit</a>')
resp.set_cookie("visit", "0")
return resp
def test():
global ab, total, ucb, cookie
cookie = request.cookies.get("visit", "0")
if cookie == "0" and request.args:
if request.args["from"] == "cat":
ab[0] = ab[0] + 1
ucb[0] = ab[0] / total[0] + math.sqrt((2 * math.log(total[0] + total[1]) / total[0]))
ab[1] = ab[1] + 1
ucb[0] = ab[1] / total[1] + math.sqrt((2 * math.log(total[0] + total[1]) / total[1]))
df = pandas.DataFrame([[ab[0] / total[0], ucb[0]], [ab[1] / total[1], ucb[1]]], columns = ["CRT", "UCB"], index = ["cat", "dog"])
resp = Response(df.to_html())
resp.set_cookie("visit", "1")
return resp = "", debug = False, threaded = False)
* Serving Flask app 'app' * Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Running on all addresses ( * Running on * Running on Press CTRL+C to quit