The first simple example implements the basic requirements.
Another example (note: this does not fill all the requirements, so it would not get all the basic points!):
Click mouse to pick a target position, the quadcopter moves there.
You can click another position before the quadcopter reaches its current target position.
The next example implements the following features with three QuadCopters:
The first one (best attempt to look like the Helicarrier from the Avengers) responds to mouse clicks. Each
mouse click adds a person waving at the QuadCopter. While there are no mouse clicks, a random person could
be added with a small probability.
The second one (best attempt to look like the Gunship from Avatar) responds to arrow keys and the WASD keys
(QEZC also works).
The third one (plain QuadCopter with Red-Green-Blue colors) just flies in circles.