Page 6: Hand-in and Gallery

CS559 Spring 2023 Sample Solution

Workbook Checklist and Evaluation

You should edit the following text file 04-workbook.txt that contains a checklist and evaluation of your own work. You also have the option to explain your work, and in some of the later workbooks, you will be required to provide an explanation of how your submission works. You can directly modify the following text file by putting an “x” or “X” inside the square brackets, and add notes to explain your work after the colon on each line.

Alternatively, you can use the following checklist 04-workbook.html to generate the content of the text file (you can click the “Generate” button and (1) copy the text in the text area at the bottom and paste it in “04-workbook.txt” or (2) click the “Download” button to save the content of the text area to a text file). It will also give you an estimate of your grade. If you edited the text file 04-workbook.txt directly, the checklist will read and validate your edits too.

Again, if you do not fill in checklist properly, you may lose points for items you completed. However, if you claim items you haven’t completed, and the items are manually graded, you will still lose the points for that item and you may also lose an additional 20 percent for “completed workbook.txt in the for_student folder correctly” if you over-claim many items you haven’t completed.

Take a screenshot or a recording of the following boxes. You can use the screenshot/record buttons we provided, or you can use your own screenshot/screen-recording software (please do not use your camera or phone to take a picture or record a video). If you submit it before the due date and your work satisfies the basic requirements, you will get 20 points (either it is obvious from your screenshot or recording or you have to explain in 04-gallery.txt ). If you submit after the due date, you will not be able to earn the 20 points for WB Assignment submission. You can update your submission after the due date if you prefer a different screenshot and/or recording to be posted in the Gallery.

Requires screenshot:


Requires recording:


Requires both: Box 04-05-01

The End!

This really is the end of the workbook. Don’t forget to commit everything and push it back to GitHub. And, when you’re done, don’t forget to submit the WB Canvas Assignment if you completed the workbook on time.

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