In the next few chapters, you’re going to write, debug, and optimize a set of utility functions to convert to and from Roman numerals.
see Case Study: Roman numerals in Section 7.3
The rules for Roman numerals lead to a number of interesting observations:
- There is only one correct way to represent a particular number as Roman numerals.
- The converse is also true: if a string of characters is a valid Roman numeral, it represents only one number (i.e. it can only be read one way).
- There is a limited range of numbers that can be expressed as Roman numerals, specifically 1 through 3999. [1] [2]
- There is no way to represent 0 in Roman numerals.
- There is no way to represent negative numbers in Roman numerals.
- There is no way to represent fractions or non-integer numbers in Roman numerals. [3]
basic idea:
you’re going to write a test suite that puts these functions through their paces and makes sure that they behave the way you want them to. (In other words, you’re going to write code that tests code that you haven’t written yet.)
what’s “Unit”?
Since the set of two conversion functions can be written and tested as a unit, separate from any larger program they may become part of later.
Why it’s important?
If you write unit tests, it is important to write them early (perferably before writing the code that they test), and to keep them updated as code and requirements change.
Unit testing is not a replacement for higher-level functional or system testing, but it is important in all phases of development:
- Before writing code, it forces you to detail your requirements in a useful fashion.
- While writing code, it keeps you from over-coding. When all the test cases pass, the function is complete.
- When refactoring code, it assures you that the new version behaves the same way as the old version.
How to do it in Python?
Python has a framework for unit testing, the appropriately-named unittest module. There is another detailed introduction about this framework.
Given the rules and observations in Roman numerals, what would you expect out of a set of functions to convert to and from Roman numerals?
Then, the should be a complete test suite to see whether the Roman numeral conversion functions meet those requirements.
Example 13.1 (download here)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 | import roman
import unittest
class KnownValues(unittest.TestCase):
knownValues = ( (1, 'I'),
(2, 'II'),
(3, 'III'),
(4, 'IV'),
(5, 'V'),
(6, 'VI'),
(7, 'VII'),
(8, 'VIII'),
(9, 'IX'),
(10, 'X'),
(50, 'L'),
(100, 'C'),
(500, 'D'),
(1000, 'M'),
(31, 'XXXI'),
(148, 'CXLVIII'),
(294, 'CCXCIV'),
(312, 'CCCXII'),
(421, 'CDXXI'),
(528, 'DXXVIII'),
(621, 'DCXXI'),
(782, 'DCCLXXXII'),
(870, 'DCCCLXX'),
(941, 'CMXLI'),
(1043, 'MXLIII'),
(1110, 'MCX'),
(1226, 'MCCXXVI'),
(1301, 'MCCCI'),
(1485, 'MCDLXXXV'),
(1509, 'MDIX'),
(1607, 'MDCVII'),
(1754, 'MDCCLIV'),
(1832, 'MDCCCXXXII'),
(1993, 'MCMXCIII'),
(2074, 'MMLXXIV'),
(2152, 'MMCLII'),
(2212, 'MMCCXII'),
(2343, 'MMCCCXLIII'),
(2499, 'MMCDXCIX'),
(2574, 'MMDLXXIV'),
(2646, 'MMDCXLVI'),
(2723, 'MMDCCXXIII'),
(2892, 'MMDCCCXCII'),
(2975, 'MMCMLXXV'),
(3051, 'MMMLI'),
(3185, 'MMMCLXXXV'),
(3250, 'MMMCCL'),
(3313, 'MMMCCCXIII'),
(3408, 'MMMCDVIII'),
(3501, 'MMMDI'),
(3610, 'MMMDCX'),
(3743, 'MMMDCCXLIII'),
(3844, 'MMMDCCCXLIV'),
(3940, 'MMMCMXL'),
(3999, 'MMMCMXCIX'),
(4000, 'MMMM'),
(4500, 'MMMMD'),
(4999, 'MMMMCMXCIX'))
def testToRomanKnownValues(self):
"""toRoman should give known result with known input"""
for integer, numeral in self.knownValues:
result = roman.toRoman(integer)
self.assertEqual(numeral, result)
def testFromRomanKnownValues(self):
"""fromRoman should give known result with known input"""
for integer, numeral in self.knownValues:
result = roman.fromRoman(numeral)
self.assertEqual(integer, result)
class ToRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):
def testTooLarge(self):
"""toRoman should fail with large input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, 5000)
def testZero(self):
"""toRoman should fail with 0 input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, 0)
def testNegative(self):
"""toRoman should fail with negative input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, -1)
def testDecimal(self):
"""toRoman should fail with non-integer input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.NotIntegerError, roman.toRoman, 0.5)
class FromRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):
def testTooManyRepeatedNumerals(self):
"""fromRoman should fail with too many repeated numerals"""
for s in ('MMMMM', 'DD', 'CCCC', 'LL', 'XXXX', 'VV', 'IIII'):
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)
def testRepeatedPairs(self):
"""fromRoman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals"""
for s in ('CMCM', 'CDCD', 'XCXC', 'XLXL', 'IXIX', 'IVIV'):
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)
def testMalformedAntecedent(self):
"""fromRoman should fail with malformed antecedents"""
for s in ('IIMXCC', 'VX', 'DCM', 'CMM', 'IXIV',
'MCMC', 'XCX', 'IVI', 'LM', 'LD', 'LC'):
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)
def testBlank(self):
"""fromRoman should fail with blank string"""
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, "")
class SanityCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testSanity(self):
"""fromRoman(toRoman(n))==n for all n"""
for integer in range(1, 5000):
numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)
result = roman.fromRoman(numeral)
self.assertEqual(integer, result)
class CaseCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testToRomanCase(self):
"""toRoman should always return uppercase"""
for integer in range(1, 5000):
numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)
self.assertEqual(numeral, numeral.upper())
def testFromRomanCase(self):
"""fromRoman should only accept uppercase input"""
for integer in range(1, 5000):
numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError,roman.fromRoman, numeral.lower())
if __name__ == "__main__":
The most fundamental part of unit testing is constructing individual test cases. A test case answers a single question about the code it is testing.
Example 13.2 testToRomanKnownValues
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 | class KnownValues(unittest.TestCase):
knownValues = ( (1, 'I'),
(2, 'II'),
(3, 'III'),
(4, 'IV'),
(5, 'V'),
(6, 'VI'),
(7, 'VII'),
(8, 'VIII'),
(9, 'IX'),
(10, 'X'),
(50, 'L'),
(100, 'C'),
(500, 'D'),
(1000, 'M'),
(31, 'XXXI'),
(148, 'CXLVIII'),
(294, 'CCXCIV'),
(312, 'CCCXII'),
(421, 'CDXXI'),
(528, 'DXXVIII'),
(621, 'DCXXI'),
(782, 'DCCLXXXII'),
(870, 'DCCCLXX'),
(941, 'CMXLI'),
(1043, 'MXLIII'),
(1110, 'MCX'),
(1226, 'MCCXXVI'),
(1301, 'MCCCI'),
(1485, 'MCDLXXXV'),
(1509, 'MDIX'),
(1607, 'MDCVII'),
(1754, 'MDCCLIV'),
(1832, 'MDCCCXXXII'),
(1993, 'MCMXCIII'),
(2074, 'MMLXXIV'),
(2152, 'MMCLII'),
(2212, 'MMCCXII'),
(2343, 'MMCCCXLIII'),
(2499, 'MMCDXCIX'),
(2574, 'MMDLXXIV'),
(2646, 'MMDCXLVI'),
(2723, 'MMDCCXXIII'),
(2892, 'MMDCCCXCII'),
(2975, 'MMCMLXXV'),
(3051, 'MMMLI'),
(3185, 'MMMCLXXXV'),
(3250, 'MMMCCL'),
(3313, 'MMMCCCXIII'),
(3408, 'MMMCDVIII'),
(3501, 'MMMDI'),
(3610, 'MMMDCX'),
(3743, 'MMMDCCXLIII'),
(3844, 'MMMDCCCXLIV'),
(3940, 'MMMCMXL'),
(3999, 'MMMCMXCIX'),
(4000, 'MMMM'),
(4500, 'MMMMD'),
(4999, 'MMMMCMXCIX'))
def testToRomanKnownValues(self):
"""toRoman should give known result with known input"""
for integer, numeral in self.knownValues:
result = roman.toRoman(integer)
self.assertEqual(numeral, result)
Example 13.3 Testing bad input to toRoman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | class ToRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):
def testTooLarge(self):
"""toRoman should fail with large input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, 5000)
def testZero(self):
"""toRoman should fail with 0 input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, 0)
def testNegative(self):
"""toRoman should fail with negative input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.OutOfRangeError, roman.toRoman, -1)
def testDecimal(self):
"""toRoman should fail with non-integer input"""
self.assertRaises(roman.NotIntegerError, roman.toRoman, 0.5)
The TestCase class of the unittest provides the assertRaises method, which takes the following arguments:
- the exception you’re expecting
- the function you’re testing
- the arguments you’re passing that function (if the function you’re testing takes more than one argument, pass them all to assertRaises, in order, and it will pass them right along to the function you’re testing.)
Here, instead of calling toRoman directly and manually checking that it raises a particular exception (by wrapping it in a try ... except block), assertRaises has encapsulated all of that for us. All you do is give it the exception (roman.OutOfRangeError), the function (toRoman), and toRoman‘s arguments (4000), and assertRaises takes care of calling toRoman and checking to make sure that it raises roman.OutOfRangeError.
Example 13.4 Testing bad input to fromRoman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | class FromRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):
def testTooManyRepeatedNumerals(self):
"""fromRoman should fail with too many repeated numerals"""
for s in ('MMMMM', 'DD', 'CCCC', 'LL', 'XXXX', 'VV', 'IIII'):
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)
def testRepeatedPairs(self):
"""fromRoman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals"""
for s in ('CMCM', 'CDCD', 'XCXC', 'XLXL', 'IXIX', 'IVIV'):
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)
def testMalformedAntecedent(self):
"""fromRoman should fail with malformed antecedents"""
for s in ('IIMXCC', 'VX', 'DCM', 'CMM', 'IXIV',
'MCMC', 'XCX', 'IVI', 'LM', 'LD', 'LC'):
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman.fromRoman, s)
Often, you will find that a unit of code contains a set of reciprocal functions, usually in the form of conversion functions where one converts A to B and the other converts B to A. In these cases, it is useful to create a “sanity check” to make sure that you can convert A to B and back to A without losing precision, incurring rounding errors, or triggering any other sort of bug.
Example 13.5 Testing toRoman against fromRoman
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | class SanityCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testSanity(self):
"""fromRoman(toRoman(n))==n for all n"""
for integer in range(1, 5000):
numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)
result = roman.fromRoman(numeral)
self.assertEqual(integer, result)
Example 13.6 Testing for Case
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | class CaseCheck(unittest.TestCase):
def testToRomanCase(self):
"""toRoman should always return uppercase"""
for integer in range(1, 5000):
numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)
self.assertEqual(numeral, numeral.upper())
def testFromRomanCase(self):
"""fromRoman should only accept uppercase input"""
for integer in range(1, 5000):
numeral = roman.toRoman(integer)
self.assertRaises(roman.InvalidRomanNumeralError,roman.fromRoman, numeral.lower())
The most interesting thing about this test case is all the things it doesn’t test. It doesn’t test that the value returned from toRoman is right or even consisten; those questions are answered by separate test cases. You have a whole test case just to test for uppercase-ness. You might be tempted to combine this with the sanity check, since both run through the entire range of values and call toRoman. But that would violate one of the fundamental rules:
There’s a similar lesson to be learned here: even though “you know” that toRoman always returns uppercase. you are explicitly converting its return value to uppercase here to test that fromRoman accepts uppercase input.
toRoman always returns uppercase is an independent requirement. If you changed that requirement so that, for instance, it always returned lowercase, the testToRomanCase test case would need to change, but this test Case would still work. This was another of the fundamental rules: each test case must be able to work in isolation from any of the others. Every test case is an island.
[1] | The Romans did have several ways of expressing larger numbers, for instance by having a bar over a numeral to represent that its normal value should be multiplied by 1000, but you’re not going to deal with that. For the purposes of this chapter, let’s stipulate that Roman numerals go from 1 to 3999. |
[2] | Whether to 3999 or to 4999 is argurable. This simply because whether it is correct to represent 4000 with “MMMM”. If this is not true, then the limit should be 3999. Otherwise, it should be 4999. |
[3] | Actually, there is. See here |