A More Complex DAG

Objective of this exercise

The objective of this exercise is to run a real set of jobs with DAGMan.

Each job in a DAGMan DAG must have only one queue command in it, so a DAG with multiple jobs has one submit file per job. Theoretically you can reuse submit files if you are careful and use the $(Cluster) macro, but that is rarely desirable. We will now make a DAG with four nodes in it: a setup node, two nodes that do analysis, and a cleanup node. For now, of course, all of these nodes will do the same thing, but hopefully the principle will be clear.

First, make sure that your submit file has only one queue command in it, as when we first wrote it:

Universe                = vanilla
Executable              = simple
Arguments               = 4 10
Log                     = simple.log
Output                  = simple.output
Error                   = simple.error
should_transfer_files   = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

Now copy these files:

% cp submit job.setup.submit
% cp submit job.work1.submit
% cp submit job.work2.submit
% cp submit job.finalize.submit

Edit the various submit files. Change the log, output and error entries to point to results.NODE.log, results.NODE.output and results.NODE.error files where NODE is actually the middle word in the submit file (job.NODE.submit). So job.finalize.error would include:

Log    = results.finalize.log
Output = results.finalize.output
Error  = results.finalize.error

Here is one possible set of settings for the output entries:

% grep -i  '^output' job.*.submit
job.finalize.submit:Output = results.finalize.output
job.setup.submit:Output = results.setup.output
job.work1.submit:Output = results.work1.output
job.work2.submit:Output = results.work2.output

This is important so that the various nodes don't overwrite each other's output.

DAGMan doesn't actually require that the log files be in separate files.

Also change the arguments entries so that the second argument is something unique to each node. This way each of our jobs will calculate something different and we can tell apart their outputs. For example, change job work1 so that the second argument is 11: something like:

Arguments = 4 11

Now construct your dag in the file called simple.dag:

Job  Setup job.setup.submit
Job  Work1 job.work1.submit
Job  Work2 job.work2.submit
Job  Final job.finalize.submit

PARENT Setup CHILD Work1 Work2
PARENT Work1 Work2 CHILD Final

Submit your new DAG and monitor it.

% condor_submit_dag simple.dag

File for submitting this DAG to Condor           : simple.dag.condor.sub
Log of DAGMan debugging messages                 : simple.dag.dagman.out
Log of Condor library output                     : simple.dag.lib.out
Log of Condor library error messages             : simple.dag.lib.err
Log of the life of condor_dagman itself          : simple.dag.dagman.log

Submitting job(s).
Logging submit event(s).
1 job(s) submitted to cluster 60486.

% watch -n 10 condor_q YOUR-LOGIN-NAME

-- Submitter: treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br : <> : treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
60486.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:10 R  0   7.3  condor_dagman -f -

DAGMan runs and submit the first job:

-- Submitter: treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br : <> : treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
60486.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:16 R  0   7.3  condor_dagman -f -
60487.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:00 I  0   0.7  simple 4 10       

2 jobs; 1 idle, 1 running, 0 held

That first job starts.

1 jobs; 0 idle, 1 running, 0 held
-- Submitter: treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br : <> : treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
60486.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:22 R  0   7.3  condor_dagman -f -
60487.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:02 R  0   0.7  simple 4 10       

2 jobs; 0 idle, 2 running, 0 held

The first job finishes, but DAGMan hasn't reacted yet

-- Submitter: treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br : <> : treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
60486.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:25 R  0   7.3  condor_dagman -f -

1 jobs; 0 idle, 1 running, 0 held

The next two jobs start up.

-- Submitter: treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br : <> : treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
60486.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:44 R  0   7.3  condor_dagman -f -
60488.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:04 R  0   0.7  simple 4 11       
60489.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:00:04 R  0   0.7  simple 4 12       

3 jobs; 0 idle, 3 running, 0 held

Now our final node is running
-- Submitter: treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br : <> : treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               
60486.0   zmiller         7/9  19:00   0+00:01:05 R  0   7.3  condor_dagman -f -
60490.0   zmiller         7/9  19:01   0+00:00:05 R  0   0.7  simple 4 20       

2 jobs; 0 idle, 2 running, 0 held

All finished!
-- Submitter: treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br : <> : treinamento01.ncc.unesp.br
 ID      OWNER            SUBMITTED     RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD               

0 jobs; 0 idle, 0 running, 0 held

You can see that the Final node wasn't run until after the Work nodes, which were not run until after the Setup node.

Examine your results:

% tail --lines=500 results.*.output
==> results.finalize.output <==
Thinking really hard for 4 seconds...
We calculated: 26

==> results.setup.output <==
Thinking really hard for 4 seconds...
We calculated: 20

==> results.work1.output <==
Thinking really hard for 4 seconds...
We calculated: 22

==> results.work2.output <==
Thinking really hard for 4 seconds...
We calculated: 24

Examine your log files and DAGMan output files. Do they look as you expect? Can you see the progress of the DAG in the DAGMan output file?

Clean up your results. Be careful about deleting the simple.dag.* files, you do not want to delete the simple.dag file, just simple.dag.* .

% rm simple.dag.*
% rm results.*

On your own