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Algorithms, 4th Edition
Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
Data Structures
- Binary Search
- Recursive, Iterative, and Deferred detection of equality [cpp]
- Floor [cpp]
- Search with duplicates [cpp]
- Sum Up To ZERO
- TwoSum [cpp]
- ThreeSum [cpp]
- FourSum
- Pseudo Random Number Generators
- Suffling algorithm
- An amusing anecdote for online poker
- Recommended card shuffling approach for online casino
- get a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
- assign a random 64-bit number to each card
- sort the cards according to their number
- Array
- Queue
- Tree
- Siddhartha Sen and Robert E. Tarjan. 2010. Deletion without rebalancing in balanced binary trees. In Proceedings of the twenty-first annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '10). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1490-1499.
- AVL (simulator 1, simulator 2)
- Hash Table
- Collision resolution
- Separate chaining: linked lists, list head cells, self-balancing tree, or dynamic array.
- Open addressing (closed hashing, the location of the value is not determined by the key): linear probing, quadratic probing, or double hashing.
- Cuckoo hashing
- Disjoint Set
- Karatsuba algorithm
- Geometric series
- Change of Base of Logarithm
- Streaming Algorithms