CS 640: Computer Networks
Fall '19: Course Home Page

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This course is an introduction to computer networks and is suitable for undergraduates and beginning graduate students. The course will investigate computer networks and network protocols from both a conceptual and implementation standpoint. The primary focus of the course will be on foundational ideas, architecture, protocols and software used in networks that comprise the Internet. Expect us to cover the majority of the topics in the Peterson and Davie text (see details below). Major topics of this course will include:

Course Details and Policies

Prerequisites: CS 537 or consent of instructor.

Location/time: 180 Science Hall
From Tue 09/10: 1240, Computer Sciences
T/R 11:00AM-12:15PM

Personnel/Office Hours:
Instructor:      Aditya Akella      Tuesday 2:00PM-3:00PM, Thursday 4:00PM-5:00PM, or by appointment
          Office: 7379, Computer Sciences
Teaching Asst:      Tao Ji      Wednesday and Friday 4:00PM-5:00PM, or by appointment
          E-mail: taoji [at] cs.wisc.edu          
          Office: 4201, Computer Sciences          
Teaching Asst:      Shebin Roy Yesudhas      Monday 11:00AM-12:00PM, Thursday 3:00PM-4:00PM, or by appointment
          E-mail: shebinroy [at] cs.wisc.edu          
          Office: 5384, Computer Sciences          
Grader:      Nachiket Sudam Kshatriya     
          E-mail: nkshatriya [at] wisc.edu          
Grader:      Sangeetha Sampath Kumar     
          E-mail: sampathkuma4 [at] wisc.edu          
Grader:      Varun Batra     
          E-mail: vbatra [at] wisc.edu          
Mailing List: The class mailing list is compsci640-1-f19@lists.wisc.edu
The TA and grader mailing list is cs640f19tas@office365.wisc.edu

Required text: Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach. Fifth Edition, Morgan-Kaufmann, 2011, ISBN: 978-0123850591. Opensource online version of the book is available

Recommended text: James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. 6th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2012, ISBN: 978-0132856201.

Grading Split: Programming assignments -- 60%, Exams -- 40%.

Collaboration: I encourage discussions with others in the class to clarify questions about programming assignment problem statements and lectures/lecture materials. Please use Piazza as the forum for all such discussions.
Incompletes: No Incompletes will be given.