
Follow the links below to download the program, either the source code if you wish to compile on your own machine, or executable files.

Version Source, including
examples and manual
Binaries Manual
1.4.4 (June 22, 2015) tarball executable files pdf. Bug fix, to avoid segmentation fault near the end, on very large data sets.
1.4.3 (July 9, 2014) tarball compiles under mavericks.
manual unchanged.
1.4.2 (July 18, 2012) tarball executable files bucky mostly unchanged.
mbsum v1.4.2 reads in tree files from MrBayes 3.2.1.
1.4.0 (July 12, 2010) tarball executable files pdf
1.3.2 (April 4, 2010) tarball   pdf
1.3.1 (10/2009) tarball   pdf
1.3.0 (1/2009) tarball executable files pdf
1.2b (12/2008) tarball executable files pdf

For those who wish, you can get the latest version from this git repository. Type this in the terminal to get the source code and compile it on your system:

git clone
cd bucky
cd src

After that, move the executables mbsum and bucky to a convenient place, like in a directory in your path. One day we'll move this to GitHub :)

Version history

Version 1.4.4 (June 22, 2015) fixes a bug which caused a segmentation fault after the MCMC, during the generation of the .concordance file, in cases when there were many genes (> 1000) and when the -cf option was used.

Version 1.4.3 (July 9, 2014) compiles under Mavericks (OS X 10.9). Provides an option to turn off the population tree building and return the concordance tree only. This saves time and memory with large numbers of taxa.

Version 1.4.2 (July 18, 2012) simply has a new version of mbsum to read in a wider range of tree file formats, including that produced by MrBayes 3.2.1.

Version 1.4.0 (June 28, 2010) provides an estimated population tree. The method used is based on quartet concordance factors and is consistent under the coalescent model. Option -sg was added to skip genes, and option --opt-space to handle very large data sets. Input files no longer need to use the same root in their tree format.
7/2010: a fix was applied for compilation under a wider range of systems.

Version 1.3.2 (March 8, 2010) can use input files with different sets of taxa, including for analysis the taxa that are common to all genes only. The user can also exclude taxa from the analysis, using a 'pruning' input file. An important bug was fixed in the sampling probabilities used in the group update.
4/2010: a bug was fixed with mbsum.

Version 1.3.1 (10/2009) can handle any number of taxa. mbsum was improved to be more flexible with line breaks and taxon numbers.

Version 1.3.0 (1/2009) includes the possibility to indicate the names of input files (one input file per gene) into a single file, and the use of translate tables to check that all genes use the same ordering of taxa.

Version 1.2b (12/2008) includes multiple independent runs and a bug fix regarding the group update.