FAWM: February Album Writing Month 2004


Over the course of the month, we occasionally had a few "song theme challenges" to help us overcome writer's block. We didn't have as many as we could have, but probably had no more than we should have. Or maybe not. Well, the whole month was one big experiment... and it was certainly interesting to see how each participant interpreted criteria for the assignment. The challenges that we did have are listed below.

27 February 2004

[08:40AM CST] 4 Comments
Song Theme Challenge: The End
Ok, here is a theme challenge idea...

Write a song about an ending. As we are drawing to a close of FAWM, I'm already missing the daily spark to sit down and write, knowing someone is going to listen and make a comment. How nice it has been. This doesn't have to be the END of our productivity, but I'll fondly remember this month and the songs I wrote during this time. I challenge you all to write a song about an ending in your life...whatever as long as it is an ending...then maybe we could write a song about a beginning?

18 February 2004

[01:42PM CST] 10 Comments
Song Theme Challenge: A Tribute
Since last week's challenge went over pretty well (we each got at least one "shine" song out of it, even if didn't actually have "shine" in the title...), I thought we'd try something like it again. It could be the muse we need to hammer out another ditty...

This time, choose a personality (beit a celebrity, historical figure, personal hero, whatever) and write a tribute to him/her. I'm thinking along the lines of REM's "Man on the Moon," or Vigilantes of Love's "Skin," or Scud Mountain Boys' "Knievel"... oh, hell, how about TMBG's "Meet James Ensor?" I guess it doesn't have to be too serious. Just a tribute. Let's make the deadline by midnight on Saturday, 21 February. Now, go forth and make music!

13 February 2004

[12:54AM CST] 2 Comments
Song Theme Challenge: "Shine"
February (and thus FAWM) is about 41% of the way through. And most of us are behind schedule. However, if I do say so myself, we are doing quite well... I've written more songs in the past week than I've squeezed out in the past year, and I think most of us can say the same. Still, rounding out 14 songs in the next 17 days is starting to sound elusive, and our muses may be bailing out on us.

So here's the deal... a mini-goal: Everybody write, demo, and post a song before midnight on Sunday (the 15th) with the word "shine" -- or some derivative thereof -- in the title. It's a bit cliché, I know, but it's also ripe with possibilities. There are so many contexts and interpretations (e.g. "the shining," "shiner," "shine on," etc.) that our respective creativities could each take us in different directions. So let's see where those directions are! GO!