CS 769: Advanced Natural Language Processing 
Fall 2011 - Benjamin Snyder 

This is the new version of the Advanced Natural Language Processing course. The goal of this class will be to introduce you to all the techniques and results of modern statistical natural language processing (NLP). By the end of the semester you will be able to read and understand NLP research papers and have the tools you need to conduct original research. Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic discrete math (e.g. probability), a tiny bit of calculus and linear algebra, some basic knowledge of algorithms and basic programming ability. Prior knowledge of linguistics and/or machine learning would be fantastic, but is not necessary. Knowledge of two or more languages a plus. Tentative topics: Schedule: 11:00--12:15. 1213 Engineering Hall Instructor: Benjamin Snyder    Office: 6395 CS    E-mail:    Office Hours: 1:00--2:00 Tuesdays, or by appointment Textbook: In lieu of a single textbook, we will focus on reading research papers and select chapters from various reference books (to be made available to the students as PDF's). Our main reference texts will be: [1] Noah Smith, Linguistic Structure Prediction. Morgan & Clay Publishers, 2011. [2] Jurafsky and Margin, Speech and Language Processing. Pearson, Prentice-Hall, 2009. [3] Larry Wasserman, All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference. Springer, 2003. [4] Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer Verlag, 2006. [5] Chris Manning and Hinrich Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA: May 1999. [6] David MacKay. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2002. [3] and [4] are worth buying if you're serious about any sort of applied machine learning research (including NLP). [1] is a new book, focusing on structured prediction and machine learning, applied to NLP (freely available online from a UW networked computer). [2] is a great introduction to speech processing and NLP, [5] is a bit older, but still provides excellent background material. [6] is available online for free at the URL above. Grading: Homeworks (35%), midterm exam (20%), a project (35%), and class participation (10%). Other: Course URL: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~bsnyder/cs769.html