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Dae Keun, Kim
Computer Sciences & Mathematics Undergraduate |
Some geometry proofs 1
Some geometry proofs 2
- Functional Languages such as Scheme, ML, and Prolog
- Group Theory and Number Theory
Professional Experience
2001-2004 Assistant Manager & Researcher, Technology & Information Dept. Nara-I-Net Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea
Computer Sciences Courses
CS 240 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
CS 302 - Introduction to Programming
CS 352 - Digital System Fundamentals
CS 354 - Machine Organization and Programming
CS 367 - Introduction to Data Structures
CS 412 - Introduction to Numerical Methods
CS 520 - Introduction to Theory of Computation
CS 536 - Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers
CS 537 - Introduction to Operating Systems
CS 538 - Introduction to Theory and Design of Programming Languages
CS 564 - Database Management Systems
CS 577 - Introduction to Algorithms
Mathematics Courses
Math 221 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Math 222 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
Math 234 - Calculus : Functions of Several Variables
Math 331 - An Introduction to Probability and Markov Chain Models
Math 340 - Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra
Math 371 - Basic Concepts of Mathematics
Math 461 - College Geometry I
Math 514 - Numerical Analysis
Math 521 - Advanced Calculus
Math 541 - Modern Algebra
Math 567 - Elementary Number Theory