
Well. Did my undergrad at the University of Washington. Took six years, emerged with a double degree in Computer Science and English. At University of Washington getting some sort of degree in Computer Science. Probably an MS. Maybe a PhD.

Jewish. Born in Detroit. Lived there briefly, moved to Montreal. Stayed four times as long there, but was still only 2 when I moved to Seattle. Not a Seattle native, thus, but the difference is practically immaterial. Gray skies and rain are good. On the other hand, Portland has a bigger bookstore. Hmm. Read a lot of books. Usual sf stuff. Interactive books would be something like here.

This is the nth iteration of this particular page. I'm not keeping much, but the next sentence is still too relevant to ditch, viz: I'm a brilliant kid genius, and my grades completely fail to reflect this. It's even more relevant if you substitute "my life" for "my grades" (but then of course you have to change the number of the verb, and so on). Here's another relevant bit from my past: This is a bit old, and I'd like to think I'd have been funnier in parts if I did it over, but it's correct on the whole.

Sometimes I feel like, um, this. Perhaps that explains why I have a hard time with people. In specific, you understand. In general they're easy.

So that's that. I don't particularly care for neat organization and tables when you're trying to talk about something which is not organized in a neat fashion (viz, me), so if you'd like more information about me, you can just go ahead and hunt around all the rest of the pages, because that's the best screen-shot of my head you're going to get. (I think "screen-shot" was an embarassing bit of attempted trendiness, don't you? Being cynical and self-referential is much cooler.)

I think this is the best thing I've written in a long time. On the other hand, this is pretty cool also.