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> ~fivefive
I'm pursuing an entry-level position with a software research and development organization utilizing my skills in programming, database systems, machine learning, and natural language processing since Jan 2014.
University Of Wisconsin - Madison (Aug 2012 - Dec 2013 (expected))
M.S. in Computer Science
Peking University, China (Sep 2006 - Jul 2009)
M.S. in Computer Science
Peking University, China (Sep 2002 - Jul 2006)
B.S. in Computer Science
Work Experience
Intern, Software Development Engineer, Epic Systems (Aug 2012 - May 2013)
ICU Group
Intern, Software Development Engineer, Microsoft Corporation, China (Apr 2008 - Aug 2008)
Keyword Services Platform
Research Fellow, Peking University (Sep 2005 - Jul 2010)
Institute of Computational Linguistics
Teaching Assistant, University Of Wisconsin - Madison (Sep 2013 - Dec 2013)
CS302 - Introduction to Programming (Java)
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Database, Natural Language Processing
A Combined Approach of Web Mining and Semantic Annotation for Identifying Product Features in Customer Reviews, Qi Su, Ying Zheng, Bin Sun, Journal of Computational Info Systems, 4:3(2008), 1047-1054
Machine Learning
CS540 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS760 - Machine Learning
CS761 - Advanced Machine Learning
CS564 - Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation
CS764 - Topics in Database Management Systems
CS784 - Formal Topics in Database: Data Models and Languages
CS770 - Human-Computer Interaction
CS577 - Introduction to Algorithms