Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
badgerdb::BadBufferExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a buffer is found whose valid is false but other variables in BufDesc are assigned valid values
badgerdb::BadgerDbExceptionBase class for all BadgerDB-specific exceptions
badgerdb::BufDescClass for maintaining information about buffer pool frames
badgerdb::BufferExceededExceptionAn exception that is thrown when buffer capacity is exceeded
badgerdb::BufHashTblHash table class to keep track of pages in the buffer pool
badgerdb::BufMgrThe central class which manages the buffer pool including frame allocation and deallocation to pages in the file
badgerdb::BufStatsClass to maintain statistics of buffer usage
badgerdb::FileClass which represents a file in the filesystem containing database pages
badgerdb::FileExistsExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a file creation is requested for a filename that already exists
badgerdb::FileHeaderHeader metadata for files on disk which contain pages
badgerdb::FileIteratorIterator for iterating over the pages in a file
badgerdb::FileNotFoundExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a file operation is requested for a filename that doesn't exist
badgerdb::FileOpenExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a file deletion is requested for a filename that's currently open
badgerdb::HashAlreadyPresentExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a new entry to be inserted in the hash table is already present in it
badgerdb::hashBucketDeclarations for buffer pool hash table
badgerdb::HashNotFoundExceptionAn exception that is thrown when an entry being looked up in the hash table is not present in it
badgerdb::HashTableExceptionAn exception that is thrown when some unexpected error occurs in the hash table
badgerdb::InsufficientSpaceExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a record is attempted to be inserted into a page that doesn't have space for it
badgerdb::InvalidPageExceptionAn exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to access an invalid page in a file
badgerdb::InvalidRecordExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a record is requested from a page that has a bad record ID
badgerdb::InvalidSlotExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a slot that doesn't have data is requested from a page
badgerdb::PageClass which represents a fixed-size database page containing records
badgerdb::PageHeaderHeader metadata in a page
badgerdb::PageIteratorIterator for iterating over the records in a page
badgerdb::PageNotPinnedExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a page which is expected to be pinned in the buffer pool is found to be not pinned
badgerdb::PagePinnedExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a page which is not expected to be pinned in the buffer pool is found to be pinned
badgerdb::PageSlotSlot metadata that tracks where a record is in the data space
badgerdb::RecordIdIdentifier for a record in a page
badgerdb::SlotInUseExceptionAn exception that is thrown when a record is attempted to be inserted into a slot that is already in use
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