Progress Report - 8 Jun 2007

1. What were my goals for this week?

2. What did I accomplish this week?

3. Why are numbers 1 and 2 different?

Ono and Mitchell were fairly last-minute set-ups, but didn't significantly conflict with work here. Didn't have to do literature search for TLS, since Gleicher's initial search turned up extensive material that took longer than expected to work through (mathy). Because of that, didn't have time to do lit search for motion segmentation and clustering; moving that to next week. Also didn't have time to find PiMol and familiarize myself with it, also moving that to next week.

Also, wallace gave me tons of problems. I need to pick a new machine.

4. What are my goals for next week?

5. How does this fit in my bigger picture?

More foundational material, definitely found some things (using TLS) to help with the segmentation of the protein for determining gross overall movements. Hope to do some basic combination of TLS and NMA techniques to find some good visualizations.

6. What did I read this week?
