You have Warped to Matt Pagel's Links Page!
If anyone has any cool Carl Sagan stuff that I can put on my website,
please e-mail it to me, because I eventually wish to set up a tribute page
My Friends' Pages (in order by how frequently pages are updated)
Angel Klohs' page
Mike Berg's page
My sister Lynn's page
Former roommate Andy's page
Jodie Taylor's page
Sarah Simonds' page
Laurie's page
Rachel Mathys' page
Lisa's page (not updated since '98)
Matt Eppleheimer's page (not updated since '97)
Erik Nielsen's page (offline)
Former roommate Mike Isaacson's page Red Lightning Graphics (offline)
High School Classmates' Pages
Dennis Taylor
Damon Mayrl
Musical groups that I like and have links to websites of
My favorite songs (click here for a more complete listing)
My playlist
Random thoughts about today's music (circa Sept 5, 2001)
Sonia Dada
Corey Stevens
Susan Tedeschi
Melissa Etheridge
Paul Revere and the Raiders
The Afro Celt Sound System
Places I have gone to school, have worked at, or wish to
The Christopher Wills Lab at the University of California - San Diego in the Department of Biology for the NASA Specialized Center of Research and Training (NSCORT) Exobiology in conjuction with The Scripps Institute of Oceanography
William Engels' Lab at the University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel (I interned here the summers of '98 and '99)
The Medical College of Wisconsin (I interned here the summer of '97 in a herpes lab)
Kopps Frozen Custard
NASA (I wish to eventually end up at NASA doing, not engineering or physics, but exobiology)
Cornell University an insanely intoxifingly beautiful campus with a great genetics program
Matt's Classes for the Spring of 2002
Ballroom Dance I
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Technical Writing (link 1) (link 2)
Tennis III
Things I do in my spare time
A little game i wrote
Babylon5 fan page
The toughest chess opponent I have ever faced.
Astronomy Picture of the Day (Archive)
Pags' Subspace Pages
Subspace General Tech Support
Chaos Zone Maps
Chaos Zone Webpage
SubspaceHQ message boards
iNET/Sonera Headquarters Website
SETI@home Homepage
My Personal Stats
Top users for wisc.edu look for me around #80
Group Stats
Group Webpage
Benchmarks and Optimizations
SETI Driver
My Hardware Links
ABIT Motherboards BX6 2.0
Diamond Monster Fusion Video Drivers
Western Digital Caviar Model 102AA (10.2 GB)
Maxtor DiamondMax® Plus 45 Ultra DMA 100 Model 54610H6 (46.1GB)
General Hardware/BIOS links
The BIOS Web
Harddrive Test
BIOS Optimization Guide
Places that I have been in the world
Bingen, Germany
(it really can't be expressed fully with this tourist type page)
Bavaria (this site
is all in German, so beware)
Glacier National Park(two seperate links
Loonies of the World Unite!!!
AOL Sucks!!!
The Bastard Operator from Hell (BOFH)
Dazed and Confused Sounds Site
The Yale Sniper Society Yes, you read me correctly (don't ask me how I found this link, it confuses even me. Well that's not too hard to do)
Fun With Grapes!!!
The Weird and the Gross
Quotes, Quotes and more Quotes
A Harry Potter fan page, created hosted, and maintained by, among others, Andy, Jodie, and Sarah (see "friends" section).
This guy belongs in the Loony-Bin. Oh, wait...that's me
If you are not included on this list, know me and wish to be included, please e-mail me at mdpagel@students.wisc.edu
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