CS 839 Advanced Machine Learning Systems, Spring 2022
This course will cover a wide range of topics related to the design and implementation of Systems
for Machine Learning including efficient model training, inference and specialized systems designed
for graph learning, recommendation systems etc.
Course Learning Objectives
At the end of the course you will be able to
- Critique and evaluate the design details of state-of-the-art machine learning systems
- Develop and utilize tools to profile and understand the performacne of machine learning systems
- Propose new research ideas in topics related to machine learning systems
- Design and implement new machine learning systems.
Course prerequisites: The prerequisites for this course are Advanced Operating Systems (CS 736) or Big Data Systems (CS 744), or equivalent courses.
- Paper Reviews: 10%
- Class Participation: 10%
- Paper presentation: 20%
- Assignments (10% each): 20%
- Final Project (in groups): 40%