CS 736 – Spring 2006

CS 736 – Spring 2006


Lecture 28: Midterm Review


  1. Performance
    1. Papers:

                                              i.     LFS

                                             ii.     NFS

                                           iii.     AFS

                                           iv.     Frangipani / Petal

    1. General Problems

                                              i.     Latency: do things faster

1.   E.g. RPC turn around

                                             ii.     Throughput

1.   Handle more requests/operations per second

                                           iii.     Scale out: run on bigger data sets on more machines

1.   Handle more data on more computers / faster computers

2.   Run well on a cluster with a billion clients

    1. General Solutions

d.    Locality

                                                       i.     LFS logs

e.    Partitioning – distribute load to multiple servers

                                                       i.     AFS

                                                      ii.     Petal

                                                    iii.     Frangipani

f.     Replication – more read throughput

                                                       i.     AFS

                                                      ii.     Petal

g.    Caching

                                                       i.     AFS

                                                      ii.     NFS

h.   Change data structures

                                                       i.     Logging in LFS, Petal, Frangipani

                                                      ii.     Message lists in Grapevine

i.      Batching – reduce startup costs

                                                       i.     Delayed write / group commit in LFS / Frangipani, NFS

j.     Idempotent operations / stateless operation

                                                       i.     NFS everything

k.    Callbacks / leases – reduce server load

                                                       i.     AFS

                                                      ii.     Frangipani

l.      Move work to client

                                                       i.     AFS name translation

m. Notifications – notify other participant of semantically interesting events

                                                       i.     AFS callbacks, Petal locks

n.   Delay work

                                                       i.     LFS – segment cleaning

o.    Multi-level policy

                                                       i.     Petal global / physical maps

  1. Reliability
    1. General design principles

1.   QUESTIONS: Why? What if you donŐt have this?

                                             ii.     Error confinement

                                           iii.     Failure Detection

                                           iv.     Reconfiguration / recovery

    1. Failure Models

                                              i.     Timing – miss a deadline

                                             ii.     Output – produce incorrect output

                                           iii.     Omission – skip an output

                                           iv.     Crash – skip an output, produce no more output

                                            v.     Byzantine

1.   Anything can happen, including malicious behaviors

    1. General Approaches

                                              i.     Fault Avoidance

1.   Prevention: make sure bugs never enter code

2.   Removal: Remove bugs from existing programs

3.   Work-around

a.    Fire walls

                                             ii.     Fault Tolerance

1.   Redundancy – execute multiple times

2.   Diversity: multiple versions for deterministic bugs. Can also be diverse environment (change how memory allocated, scheduling works)

3.   Isolation: confine errors to a single component

4.   Modularity: keep components small

5.   Error detection: why important if have isolation?

a.    A: Needed for availability if doing wrong things

6.   Recovery

a.    Forwards / Backwards

b.    Concealing / revealing

                                           iii.     Where do you provide fault tolerance

a.    In the application?

b.    In a library

c.    In the OS

d.    Around a component (e.g. Nooks)

e.    In the HW

2.   If everything above layer X is identical, can tolerate faults at X or below automatically

a.    E.g. FT unix -> HW, OS faults

b.    E.g. Hypervisor -> HW faults

c.    E.g. Nooks -> driver faults (everything else is above)

d.    E.g. Disco -> OS faults

3.   If have some diversity above X, can tolerate heisenbugs above layer X

a.    Process pairs – execute different streams

b.    Checkpoint / restart: if restart far enough back

4.   If have diversity, can tolerate bohrbugs above layer X

  1. Security
    1. Key threats:

                                              i.     Privacy – uncontrolled release of sensitive information

                                             ii.     Integrity – uncontrolled change to sensitive information

                                           iii.     Denial of service – uncontrolled prevention of service

                                           iv.     QUESTION: How does subverting a web site or taking over a machine and using it to DDOS a server count?

    1. Basic approach

                                              i.     Guard enforcing access control : impenetrable wall with a door

                                             ii.     Authorization check : guard demands something it can check against its database

                                           iii.     Protected information

                                           iv.     Decision procedure

                                            v.     SIMPLEST solution: complete isolation

1.   Reject everything

2.   QUESTION: what makes security hard? Limited sharing / communication

    1. Design principles: What does it mean, why important? What if donŐt have? Examples?

                                              i.     Economy of mechanism

                                             ii.     Fail-safe defaults

                                           iii.     Complete mediation

                                           iv.     Open design

                                            v.     Separation of privilege

                                           vi.     Least privilege

                                         vii.     Least common mechanism

1.   Minimize attack surface

                                        viii.     Psychological acceptability

                                           ix.     Work factor

                                            x.     Auditing + police can replace tight controls

                                          xi.     Defense in depth

                                        xii.     Assume malicious inputs

    1. Systems

                                              i.     Needham and Schroeder

1.   Secret Key vs. Public key

2.   On-line vs off-line

3.   QUESTION: When use secret key?

a.    When humans need to remember a key

b.    When servers have little power

4.   QUESTION: When use public key

a.    When have a can distribute certificates out-of-band (e.g. with browser / OS)

b.    When no simple trust relationship

5.   QUESTION: How handle authentication between realms / domains?

a.    Referrals

b.    Certificate chains

                                             ii.     Kerberos

1.   Protocols

a.    AS, TGS, AP protocols

b.    Time stamps

c.    Authenticators

d.    Sign / seal/ connection security

2.   User keys vs. server keys

                                           iii.     Terra

1.   QUESTION: What does it provide?

a.     Assurance of what SW running on a remote computer

b.     How provided? Each layer acts as AS for next upper layer, signs key + certificate

c.     Remote system can verify certificate chain

2.     QUESTION: What problems can it solve>?

a.     Spyware?

b.     Gaming?

c.     Password sniffing terminals?

                                           iv.     Philosophy

1.     Economics

a.     Who has the benefit, attacker or defender?

b.     How can risk be reduced?

c.     How can security be used to an advantage other than to reduce likelihood of attack

                                                                                                     i.     DRM / Terra: lock-in

d.     How would insurance improve security of systems?

                                                                                                     i.     Expose cost of unlikely events , mgmt practices
