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DRAMCtrl Class Reference

The DRAM controller is a single-channel memory controller capturing the most important timing constraints associated with a contemporary DRAM. More...

#include <dram_ctrl.hh>

Inheritance diagram for DRAMCtrl:
AbstractMemory MemObject ClockedObject SimObject Clocked EventManager Serializable Drainable


class  Bank
 A basic class to track the bank state, i.e. More...
class  BurstHelper
 A burst helper helps organize and manage a packet that is larger than the DRAM burst size. More...
struct  Command
 Simple structure to hold the values needed to keep track of commands for DRAMPower. More...
class  DRAMPacket
 A DRAM packet stores packets along with the timestamp of when the packet entered the queue, and also the decoded address. More...
class  MemoryPort
class  Rank
 Rank class includes a vector of banks. More...
class  RankDumpCallback

Public Member Functions

void regStats () override
 Register Statistics. More...
 DRAMCtrl (const DRAMCtrlParams *p)
DrainState drain () override
 Notify an object that it needs to drain its state. More...
virtual BaseSlavePortgetSlavePort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID) override
 Get a slave port with a given name and index. More...
virtual void init () override
 Initialise this memory. More...
virtual void startup () override
 startup() is the final initialization call before simulation. More...
virtual void drainResume () override
 Resume execution after a successful drain. More...
bool allRanksDrained () const
 Return true once refresh is complete for all ranks and there are no additional commands enqueued. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractMemory
 AbstractMemory (const Params *p)
virtual ~AbstractMemory ()
bool isNull () const
 See if this is a null memory that should never store data and always return zero. More...
void setBackingStore (uint8_t *pmem_addr)
 Set the host memory backing store to be used by this memory controller. More...
const std::list< LockedAddr > & getLockedAddrList () const
 Get the list of locked addresses to allow checkpointing. More...
void addLockedAddr (LockedAddr addr)
 Add a locked address to allow for checkpointing. More...
Systemsystem () const
 read the system pointer Implemented for completeness with the setter More...
void system (System *sys)
 Set the system pointer on this memory This can't be done via a python parameter because the system needs pointers to all the memories and the reverse would create a cycle in the object graph. More...
const Paramsparams () const
AddrRange getAddrRange () const
 Get the address range. More...
uint64_t size () const
 Get the memory size. More...
Addr start () const
 Get the start address. More...
bool isConfReported () const
 Should this memory be passed to the kernel and part of the OS physical memory layout. More...
bool isInAddrMap () const
 Some memories are used as shadow memories or should for other reasons not be part of the global address map. More...
bool isKvmMap () const
 When shadow memories are in use, KVM may want to make one or the other, but cannot map both into the guest address space. More...
void access (PacketPtr pkt)
 Perform an untimed memory access and update all the state (e.g. More...
void functionalAccess (PacketPtr pkt)
 Perform an untimed memory read or write without changing anything but the memory itself. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MemObject
const Paramsparams () const
 MemObject (const Params *params)
virtual BaseMasterPortgetMasterPort (const std::string &if_name, PortID idx=InvalidPortID)
 Get a master port with a given name and index. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ClockedObject
 ClockedObject (const ClockedObjectParams *p)
const Paramsparams () const
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object. More...
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object. More...
Enums::PwrState pwrState () const
std::string pwrStateName () const
std::vector< double > pwrStateWeights () const
 Returns the percentage residency for each power state. More...
void computeStats ()
 Record stats values like state residency by computing the time difference from previous update. More...
void pwrState (Enums::PwrState)
void regStats () override
 Register statistics for this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SimObject
const Paramsparams () const
 SimObject (const Params *_params)
virtual ~SimObject ()
virtual const std::string name () const
virtual void loadState (CheckpointIn &cp)
 loadState() is called on each SimObject when restoring from a checkpoint. More...
virtual void initState ()
 initState() is called on each SimObject when not restoring from a checkpoint. More...
virtual void resetStats ()
 Reset statistics associated with this object. More...
virtual void regProbePoints ()
 Register probe points for this object. More...
virtual void regProbeListeners ()
 Register probe listeners for this object. More...
ProbeManagergetProbeManager ()
 Get the probe manager for this object. More...
DrainState drain () override
 Provide a default implementation of the drain interface for objects that don't need draining. More...
virtual void memWriteback ()
 Write back dirty buffers to memory using functional writes. More...
virtual void memInvalidate ()
 Invalidate the contents of memory buffers. More...
void serialize (CheckpointOut &cp) const override
 Serialize an object. More...
void unserialize (CheckpointIn &cp) override
 Unserialize an object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from EventManager
 EventManager (EventManager &em)
 EventManager (EventManager *em)
 EventManager (EventQueue *eq)
EventQueueeventQueue () const
void schedule (Event &event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event &event)
void reschedule (Event &event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void schedule (Event *event, Tick when)
void deschedule (Event *event)
void reschedule (Event *event, Tick when, bool always=false)
void wakeupEventQueue (Tick when=(Tick)-1)
void setCurTick (Tick newVal)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Serializable
 Serializable ()
virtual ~Serializable ()
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const char *name) const
 Serialize an object into a new section. More...
void serializeSection (CheckpointOut &cp, const std::string &name) const
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const char *name)
 Unserialize an a child object. More...
void unserializeSection (CheckpointIn &cp, const std::string &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Drainable
DrainState drainState () const
 Return the current drain state of an object. More...
virtual void notifyFork ()
 Notify a child process of a fork. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Clocked
void updateClockPeriod () const
 Update the tick to the current tick. More...
Tick clockEdge (Cycles cycles=Cycles(0)) const
 Determine the tick when a cycle begins, by default the current one, but the argument also enables the caller to determine a future cycle. More...
Cycles curCycle () const
 Determine the current cycle, corresponding to a tick aligned to a clock edge. More...
Tick nextCycle () const
 Based on the clock of the object, determine the start tick of the first cycle that is at least one cycle in the future. More...
uint64_t frequency () const
Tick clockPeriod () const
double voltage () const
Cycles ticksToCycles (Tick t) const
Tick cyclesToTicks (Cycles c) const

Protected Member Functions

Tick recvAtomic (PacketPtr pkt)
void recvFunctional (PacketPtr pkt)
bool recvTimingReq (PacketPtr pkt)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractMemory
bool checkLockedAddrList (PacketPtr pkt)
void trackLoadLocked (PacketPtr pkt)
bool writeOK (PacketPtr pkt)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Drainable
 Drainable ()
virtual ~Drainable ()
void signalDrainDone () const
 Signal that an object is drained. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Clocked
 Clocked (ClockDomain &clk_domain)
 Create a clocked object and set the clock domain based on the parameters. More...
 Clocked (Clocked &)=delete
Clockedoperator= (Clocked &)=delete
virtual ~Clocked ()
 Virtual destructor due to inheritance. More...
void resetClock () const
 Reset the object's clock using the current global tick value. More...

Private Types

enum  BusState { READ = 0, WRITE }
 Bus state used to control the read/write switching and drive the scheduling of the next request. More...
enum  PowerState {
 The power state captures the different operational states of the DRAM and interacts with the bus read/write state machine, and the refresh state machine. More...
enum  RefreshState {
 The refresh state is used to control the progress of the refresh scheduling. More...

Private Member Functions

void processNextReqEvent ()
 Bunch of things requires to setup "events" in gem5 When event "respondEvent" occurs for example, the method processRespondEvent is called; no parameters are allowed in these methods. More...
void processRespondEvent ()
bool readQueueFull (unsigned int pktCount) const
 Check if the read queue has room for more entries. More...
bool writeQueueFull (unsigned int pktCount) const
 Check if the write queue has room for more entries. More...
void addToReadQueue (PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount)
 When a new read comes in, first check if the write q has a pending request to the same address. If not, decode the address to populate rank/bank/row, create one or mutliple "dram_pkt", and push them to the back of the read queue. More...
void addToWriteQueue (PacketPtr pkt, unsigned int pktCount)
 Decode the incoming pkt, create a dram_pkt and push to the back of the write queue. More...
void doDRAMAccess (DRAMPacket *dram_pkt)
 Actually do the DRAM access - figure out the latency it will take to service the req based on bank state, channel state etc and then update those states to account for this request. Based on this, update the packet's "readyTime" and move it to the response q from where it will eventually go back to the outside world. More...
void accessAndRespond (PacketPtr pkt, Tick static_latency)
 When a packet reaches its "readyTime" in the response Q, use the "access()" method in AbstractMemory to actually create the response packet, and send it back to the outside world requestor. More...
DRAMPacketdecodeAddr (PacketPtr pkt, Addr dramPktAddr, unsigned int size, bool isRead)
 Address decoder to figure out physical mapping onto ranks, banks, and rows. More...
bool chooseNext (std::deque< DRAMPacket * > &queue, Tick extra_col_delay)
 The memory schduler/arbiter - picks which request needs to go next, based on the specified policy such as FCFS or FR-FCFS and moves it to the head of the queue. More...
bool reorderQueue (std::deque< DRAMPacket * > &queue, Tick extra_col_delay)
 For FR-FCFS policy reorder the read/write queue depending on row buffer hits and earliest bursts available in DRAM. More...
std::pair< uint64_t, bool > minBankPrep (const std::deque< DRAMPacket * > &queue, Tick min_col_at) const
 Find which are the earliest banks ready to issue an activate for the enqueued requests. More...
void activateBank (Rank &rank_ref, Bank &bank_ref, Tick act_tick, uint32_t row)
 Keep track of when row activations happen, in order to enforce the maximum number of activations in the activation window. More...
void prechargeBank (Rank &rank_ref, Bank &bank_ref, Tick pre_at, bool trace=true)
 Precharge a given bank and also update when the precharge is done. More...
void printQs () const
 Used for debugging to observe the contents of the queues. More...
Addr burstAlign (Addr addr) const
 Burst-align an address. More...
void updatePowerStats (Rank &rank_ref)
 This function increments the energy when called. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static bool sortTime (const Command &cmd, const Command &cmd_next)
 Function for sorting Command structures based on timeStamp. More...

Private Attributes

MemoryPort port
 Our incoming port, for a multi-ported controller add a crossbar in front of it. More...
bool isTimingMode
 Remeber if the memory system is in timing mode. More...
bool retryRdReq
 Remember if we have to retry a request when available. More...
bool retryWrReq
BusState busState
BusState busStateNext
EventWrapper< DRAMCtrl,&DRAMCtrl::processNextReqEventnextReqEvent
EventWrapper< DRAMCtrl,&DRAMCtrl::processRespondEventrespondEvent
std::deque< DRAMPacket * > readQueue
 The controller's main read and write queues. More...
std::deque< DRAMPacket * > writeQueue
std::unordered_set< AddrisInWriteQueue
 To avoid iterating over the write queue to check for overlapping transactions, maintain a set of burst addresses that are currently queued. More...
std::deque< DRAMPacket * > respQueue
 Response queue where read packets wait after we're done working with them, but it's not time to send the response yet. More...
std::vector< Rank * > ranks
 Vector of ranks. More...
const uint32_t deviceSize
 The following are basic design parameters of the memory controller, and are initialized based on parameter values. More...
const uint32_t deviceBusWidth
const uint32_t burstLength
const uint32_t deviceRowBufferSize
const uint32_t devicesPerRank
const uint32_t burstSize
const uint32_t rowBufferSize
const uint32_t columnsPerRowBuffer
const uint32_t columnsPerStripe
const uint32_t ranksPerChannel
const uint32_t bankGroupsPerRank
const bool bankGroupArch
const uint32_t banksPerRank
const uint32_t channels
uint32_t rowsPerBank
const uint32_t readBufferSize
const uint32_t writeBufferSize
const uint32_t writeHighThreshold
const uint32_t writeLowThreshold
const uint32_t minWritesPerSwitch
uint32_t writesThisTime
uint32_t readsThisTime
const Tick M5_CLASS_VAR_USED tCK
 Basic memory timing parameters initialized based on parameter values. More...
const Tick tWTR
const Tick tRTW
const Tick tCS
const Tick tBURST
const Tick tCCD_L
const Tick tRCD
const Tick tCL
const Tick tRP
const Tick tRAS
const Tick tWR
const Tick tRTP
const Tick tRFC
const Tick tREFI
const Tick tRRD
const Tick tRRD_L
const Tick tXAW
const Tick tXP
const Tick tXS
const uint32_t activationLimit
Enums::MemSched memSchedPolicy
 Memory controller configuration initialized based on parameter values. More...
Enums::AddrMap addrMapping
Enums::PageManage pageMgmt
const uint32_t maxAccessesPerRow
 Max column accesses (read and write) per row, before forefully closing it. More...
const Tick frontendLatency
 Pipeline latency of the controller frontend. More...
const Tick backendLatency
 Pipeline latency of the backend and PHY. More...
Tick busBusyUntil
 Till when has the main data bus been spoken for already? More...
Tick prevArrival
Tick nextReqTime
 The soonest you have to start thinking about the next request is the longest access time that can occur before busBusyUntil. More...
Stats::Scalar readReqs
Stats::Scalar writeReqs
Stats::Scalar readBursts
Stats::Scalar writeBursts
Stats::Scalar bytesReadDRAM
Stats::Scalar bytesReadWrQ
Stats::Scalar bytesWritten
Stats::Scalar bytesReadSys
Stats::Scalar bytesWrittenSys
Stats::Scalar servicedByWrQ
Stats::Scalar mergedWrBursts
Stats::Scalar neitherReadNorWrite
Stats::Vector perBankRdBursts
Stats::Vector perBankWrBursts
Stats::Scalar numRdRetry
Stats::Scalar numWrRetry
Stats::Scalar totGap
Stats::Vector readPktSize
Stats::Vector writePktSize
Stats::Vector rdQLenPdf
Stats::Vector wrQLenPdf
Stats::Histogram bytesPerActivate
Stats::Histogram rdPerTurnAround
Stats::Histogram wrPerTurnAround
Stats::Scalar totQLat
Stats::Scalar totMemAccLat
Stats::Scalar totBusLat
Stats::Formula avgQLat
Stats::Formula avgBusLat
Stats::Formula avgMemAccLat
Stats::Formula avgRdBW
Stats::Formula avgWrBW
Stats::Formula avgRdBWSys
Stats::Formula avgWrBWSys
Stats::Formula peakBW
Stats::Formula busUtil
Stats::Formula busUtilRead
Stats::Formula busUtilWrite
Stats::Average avgRdQLen
Stats::Average avgWrQLen
Stats::Scalar readRowHits
Stats::Scalar writeRowHits
Stats::Formula readRowHitRate
Stats::Formula writeRowHitRate
Stats::Formula avgGap
Stats::Formula pageHitRate
uint8_t activeRank
uint64_t timeStampOffset
std::unique_ptr< PacketpendingDelete
 Upstream caches need this packet until true is returned, so hold it for deletion until a subsequent call. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from AbstractMemory
typedef AbstractMemoryParams Params
- Public Types inherited from MemObject
typedef MemObjectParams Params
- Public Types inherited from ClockedObject
typedef ClockedObjectParams Params
 Parameters of ClockedObject. More...
- Public Types inherited from SimObject
typedef SimObjectParams Params
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SimObject
static void serializeAll (CheckpointOut &cp)
 Serialize all SimObjects in the system. More...
static SimObjectfind (const char *name)
 Find the SimObject with the given name and return a pointer to it. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Serializable
static const std::string & currentSection ()
 Get the fully-qualified name of the active section. More...
static void serializeAll (const std::string &cpt_dir)
static void unserializeGlobals (CheckpointIn &cp)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Serializable
static int ckptCount = 0
static int ckptMaxCount = 0
static int ckptPrevCount = -1
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractMemory
AddrRange range
uint8_t * pmemAddr
const bool confTableReported
const bool inAddrMap
const bool kvmMap
std::list< LockedAddrlockedAddrList
Stats::Vector bytesRead
 Number of total bytes read from this memory. More...
Stats::Vector bytesInstRead
 Number of instruction bytes read from this memory. More...
Stats::Vector bytesWritten
 Number of bytes written to this memory. More...
Stats::Vector numReads
 Number of read requests. More...
Stats::Vector numWrites
 Number of write requests. More...
Stats::Vector numOther
 Number of other requests. More...
Stats::Formula bwRead
 Read bandwidth from this memory. More...
Stats::Formula bwInstRead
 Read bandwidth from this memory. More...
Stats::Formula bwWrite
 Write bandwidth from this memory. More...
Stats::Formula bwTotal
 Total bandwidth from this memory. More...
 Pointor to the System object. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ClockedObject
Enums::PwrState _currPwrState
 To keep track of the current power state. More...
Tick prvEvalTick
Stats::Scalar numPwrStateTransitions
Stats::Distribution pwrStateClkGateDist
Stats::Vector pwrStateResidencyTicks
- Protected Attributes inherited from SimObject
const SimObjectParams * _params
 Cached copy of the object parameters. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from EventManager
 A pointer to this object's event queue. More...

Detailed Description

The DRAM controller is a single-channel memory controller capturing the most important timing constraints associated with a contemporary DRAM.

For multi-channel memory systems, the controller is combined with a crossbar model, with the channel address interleaving taking part in the crossbar.

As a basic design principle, this controller model is not cycle callable, but instead uses events to: 1) decide when new decisions can be made, 2) when resources become available, 3) when things are to be considered done, and 4) when to send things back. Through these simple principles, the model delivers high performance, and lots of flexibility, allowing users to evaluate the system impact of a wide range of memory technologies, such as DDR3/4, LPDDR2/3/4, WideIO1/2, HBM and HMC.

For more details, please see Hansson et al, "Simulating DRAM controllers for future system architecture exploration", Proc. ISPASS, 2014. If you use this model as part of your research please cite the paper.

The low-power functionality implements a staggered powerdown similar to that described in "Optimized Active and Power-Down Mode Refresh Control in 3D-DRAMs" by Jung et al, VLSI-SoC, 2014.

Definition at line 96 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum DRAMCtrl::BusState

Bus state used to control the read/write switching and drive the scheduling of the next request.


Definition at line 146 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

enum DRAMCtrl::PowerState

The power state captures the different operational states of the DRAM and interacts with the bus read/write state machine, and the refresh state machine.

PWR_IDLE : The idle state in which all banks are closed From here can transition to: PWR_REF, PWR_ACT, PWR_PRE_PDN

PWR_REF : Auto-refresh state. Will transition when refresh is complete based on power state prior to PWR_REF From here can transition to: PWR_IDLE, PWR_PRE_PDN, PWR_SREF

PWR_SREF : Self-refresh state. Entered after refresh if previous state was PWR_PRE_PDN From here can transition to: PWR_IDLE

PWR_PRE_PDN : Precharge power down state From here can transition to: PWR_REF, PWR_IDLE

PWR_ACT : Activate state in which one or more banks are open From here can transition to: PWR_IDLE, PWR_ACT_PDN

PWR_ACT_PDN : Activate power down state From here can transition to: PWR_ACT


Definition at line 233 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

enum DRAMCtrl::RefreshState

The refresh state is used to control the progress of the refresh scheduling.

When normal operation is in progress the refresh state is idle. Once tREFI has elasped, a refresh event is triggered to start the following STM transitions which are used to issue a refresh and return back to normal operation

REF_IDLE : IDLE state used during normal operation From here can transition to: REF_DRAIN

REF_SREF_EXIT : Exiting a self-refresh; refresh event scheduled after self-refresh exit completes From here can transition to: REF_DRAIN

REF_DRAIN : Drain state in which on going accesses complete. From here can transition to: REF_PD_EXIT

REF_PD_EXIT : Evaluate pwrState and issue wakeup if needed Next state dependent on whether banks are open From here can transition to: REF_PRE, REF_START

REF_PRE : Close (precharge) all open banks From here can transition to: REF_START

REF_START : Issue refresh command and update DRAMPower stats From here can transition to: REF_RUN

REF_RUN : Refresh running, waiting for tRFC to expire From here can transition to: REF_IDLE, REF_SREF_EXIT


Definition at line 272 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DRAMCtrl::DRAMCtrl ( const DRAMCtrlParams *  p)

Member Function Documentation

void DRAMCtrl::accessAndRespond ( PacketPtr  pkt,
Tick  static_latency 

When a packet reaches its "readyTime" in the response Q, use the "access()" method in AbstractMemory to actually create the response packet, and send it back to the outside world requestor.

pktThe packet from the outside world
static_latencyStatic latency to add before sending the packet

Definition at line 892 of file

References AbstractMemory::access(), curTick(), DPRINTF, Packet::getAddr(), Packet::headerDelay, Packet::isResponse(), Packet::needsResponse(), Packet::payloadDelay, pendingDelete, port, and QueuedSlavePort::schedTimingResp().

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), addToWriteQueue(), and processRespondEvent().

void DRAMCtrl::activateBank ( Rank rank_ref,
Bank bank_ref,
Tick  act_tick,
uint32_t  row 

Keep track of when row activations happen, in order to enforce the maximum number of activations in the activation window.

The method updates the time that the banks become available based on the current limits.

rank_refReference to the rank
bank_refReference to the bank
act_tickTime when the activation takes place
rowIndex of the row

Definition at line 929 of file

References DRAMCtrl::Rank::activateEvent, activationLimit, DRAMCtrl::Rank::actTicks, DRAMCtrl::Bank::bank, DRAMCtrl::Bank::bankgr, bankGroupArch, DRAMCtrl::Rank::banks, banksPerRank, DRAMCtrl::Bank::bytesAccessed, DRAMCtrl::Rank::cmdList, DRAMCtrl::Bank::colAllowedAt, divCeil(), DPRINTF, ArmISA::i, ArmISA::j, DRAMCtrl::Bank::NO_ROW, DRAMCtrl::Rank::numBanksActive, DRAMCtrl::Bank::openRow, panic, DRAMCtrl::Bank::preAllowedAt, DRAMCtrl::Rank::rank, ranks, EventManager::reschedule(), DRAMCtrl::Bank::rowAccesses, EventManager::schedule(), tCK, timeStampOffset, tRAS, tRCD, tRRD, tRRD_L, and tXAW.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess().

void DRAMCtrl::addToReadQueue ( PacketPtr  pkt,
unsigned int  pktCount 

When a new read comes in, first check if the write q has a pending request to the same address. If not, decode the address to populate rank/bank/row, create one or mutliple "dram_pkt", and push them to the back of the read queue.

\ If this is the only read request in the system, schedule an event to start servicing it.

pktThe request packet from the outside world
pktCountThe number of DRAM bursts the pkt translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst, then pktCount is greater than one.

Definition at line 421 of file

References accessAndRespond(), addr, avgRdQLen, burstAlign(), DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::burstHelper, burstSize, DRAMCtrl::BurstHelper::burstsServiced, bytesReadWrQ, ceilLog2(), curTick(), decodeAddr(), DPRINTF, frontendLatency, Packet::getAddr(), Packet::getSize(), isInWriteQueue, Packet::isWrite(), nextReqEvent, MipsISA::p, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::rankRef, rdQLenPdf, readBursts, DRAMCtrl::Rank::readEntries, readPktSize, readQueue, readQueueFull(), respQueue, EventManager::schedule(), Event::scheduled(), servicedByWrQ, AbstractMemory::size(), and writeQueue.

Referenced by recvTimingReq().

void DRAMCtrl::addToWriteQueue ( PacketPtr  pkt,
unsigned int  pktCount 

Decode the incoming pkt, create a dram_pkt and push to the back of the write queue.

the write q length is more than the threshold specified by the user, ie the queue is beginning to get full, stop reads, and start draining writes.

pktThe request packet from the outside world
pktCountThe number of DRAM bursts the pkt translate to. If pkt size is larger then one full burst, then pktCount is greater than one.

Definition at line 517 of file

References accessAndRespond(), addr, avgWrQLen, burstAlign(), burstSize, ceilLog2(), curTick(), decodeAddr(), DPRINTF, frontendLatency, Packet::getAddr(), Packet::getSize(), isInWriteQueue, Packet::isWrite(), mergedWrBursts, nextReqEvent, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::rankRef, EventManager::schedule(), Event::scheduled(), AbstractMemory::size(), writeBufferSize, writeBursts, DRAMCtrl::Rank::writeEntries, writePktSize, writeQueue, and wrQLenPdf.

Referenced by recvTimingReq().

bool DRAMCtrl::allRanksDrained ( ) const

Return true once refresh is complete for all ranks and there are no additional commands enqueued.

(only evaluated when draining) This will ensure that all banks are closed, power state is IDLE, and power stats have been updated

true if all ranks have refreshed, with no commands enqueued

Definition at line 2668 of file

References MipsISA::r, and ranks.

Referenced by drain(), processNextReqEvent(), and processRespondEvent().

Addr DRAMCtrl::burstAlign ( Addr  addr) const

Burst-align an address.

addrThe potentially unaligned address
An address aligned to a DRAM burst

Definition at line 853 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

References burstSize.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), addToWriteQueue(), and processNextReqEvent().

bool DRAMCtrl::chooseNext ( std::deque< DRAMPacket * > &  queue,
Tick  extra_col_delay 

The memory schduler/arbiter - picks which request needs to go next, based on the specified policy such as FCFS or FR-FCFS and moves it to the head of the queue.

Prioritizes accesses to the same rank as previous burst unless controller is switching command type.

queueQueued requests to consider
extra_col_delayAny extra delay due to a read/write switch
true if a packet is scheduled to a rank which is available else false

Definition at line 755 of file

References DPRINTF, ArmISA::i, memSchedPolicy, panic, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::rank, ranks, and reorderQueue().

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket * DRAMCtrl::decodeAddr ( PacketPtr  pkt,
Addr  dramPktAddr,
unsigned int  size,
bool  isRead 

Address decoder to figure out physical mapping onto ranks, banks, and rows.

This function is called multiple times on the same system packet if the pakcet is larger than burst of the memory. The dramPktAddr is used for the offset within the packet.

pktThe packet from the outside world
dramPktAddrThe starting address of the DRAM packet
sizeThe size of the DRAM packet in bytes
isReadIs the request for a read or a write to DRAM
A DRAMPacket pointer with the decoded information

Definition at line 315 of file

References addr, addrMapping, banksPerRank, burstSize, channels, columnsPerRowBuffer, columnsPerStripe, DPRINTF, DRAMCtrl::Bank::NO_ROW, panic, ranks, ranksPerChannel, and rowsPerBank.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and addToWriteQueue().

void DRAMCtrl::doDRAMAccess ( DRAMPacket dram_pkt)

Actually do the DRAM access - figure out the latency it will take to service the req based on bank state, channel state etc and then update those states to account for this request. Based on this, update the packet's "readyTime" and move it to the response q from where it will eventually go back to the outside world.

pktThe DRAM packet created from the outside world pkt

Definition at line 1077 of file

References DRAMCtrl::Bank::actAllowedAt, activateBank(), activeRank, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::addr, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::bank, DRAMCtrl::Bank::bankgr, bankGroupArch, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::bankId, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::bankRef, banksPerRank, burstSize, busBusyUntil, DRAMCtrl::Bank::bytesAccessed, bytesReadDRAM, bytesWritten, DRAMCtrl::Rank::cmdList, DRAMCtrl::Bank::colAllowedAt, curTick(), divCeil(), DPRINTF, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::entryTime, ArmISA::i, DRAMCtrl::Rank::inLowPowerState, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::isRead, ArmISA::j, maxAccessesPerRow, nextReqTime, DRAMCtrl::Bank::NO_ROW, DRAMCtrl::Bank::openRow, MipsISA::p, pageMgmt, perBankRdBursts, perBankWrBursts, DRAMCtrl::Bank::preAllowedAt, prechargeBank(), PWR_SREF, DRAMCtrl::Rank::pwrState, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::rank, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::rankRef, ranks, ranksPerChannel, readQueue, readRowHits, readsThisTime, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::readyTime, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::row, DRAMCtrl::Bank::rowAccesses, DRAMCtrl::Rank::scheduleWakeUpEvent(), tBURST, tCCD_L, tCK, tCL, tCS, timeStampOffset, totBusLat, totMemAccLat, totQLat, tRCD, tRP, tRTP, tWR, tXP, writeQueue, writeRowHits, and writesThisTime.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

DrainState DRAMCtrl::drain ( )

Notify an object that it needs to drain its state.

If the object does not need further simulation to drain internal buffers, it returns DrainState::Drained and automatically switches to the Drained state. If the object needs more simulation, it returns DrainState::Draining and automatically enters the Draining state. Other return values are invalid.

An object that has entered the Drained state can be disturbed by other objects in the system and consequently stop being drained. These perturbations are not visible in the drain state. The simulator therefore repeats the draining process until all objects return DrainState::Drained on the first call to drain().
DrainState::Drained if the object is drained at this point in time, DrainState::Draining if it needs further simulation.

Implements Drainable.

Definition at line 2634 of file

References allRanksDrained(), curTick(), DPRINTF, Drained, Draining, nextReqEvent, PWR_SREF, MipsISA::r, ranks, readQueue, respQueue, EventManager::schedule(), Event::scheduled(), tXS, and writeQueue.

void DRAMCtrl::drainResume ( )

Resume execution after a successful drain.

Reimplemented from Drainable.

Definition at line 2681 of file

References isTimingMode, System::isTimingMode(), MipsISA::r, ranks, startup(), and AbstractMemory::system().

BaseSlavePort & DRAMCtrl::getSlavePort ( const std::string &  if_name,
PortID  idx = InvalidPortID 

Get a slave port with a given name and index.

This is used at binding time and returns a reference to a protocol-agnostic base master port.

if_namePort name
idxIndex in the case of a VectorPort
A reference to the given port

Reimplemented from MemObject.

Definition at line 2624 of file

References MemObject::getSlavePort(), and port.

void DRAMCtrl::init ( )
pair< uint64_t, bool > DRAMCtrl::minBankPrep ( const std::deque< DRAMPacket * > &  queue,
Tick  min_col_at 
) const

Find which are the earliest banks ready to issue an activate for the enqueued requests.

Assumes maximum of 64 banks per DIMM Also checks if the bank is already prepped.

queueQueued requests to consider
timeof seamless burst command
One-hot encoded mask of bank indices
boolean indicating burst can issue seamlessly, with no gaps

Definition at line 1547 of file

References banksPerRank, curTick(), ArmISA::i, ArmISA::j, MaxTick, DRAMCtrl::Bank::NO_ROW, MipsISA::p, ranks, ranksPerChannel, replaceBits(), tRCD, and tRP.

Referenced by reorderQueue().

void DRAMCtrl::prechargeBank ( Rank rank_ref,
Bank bank_ref,
Tick  pre_at,
bool  trace = true 

Precharge a given bank and also update when the precharge is done.

This will also deal with any stats related to the accesses to the open page.

rank_refThe rank to precharge
bank_refThe bank to precharge
pre_atTime when the precharge takes place
traceIs this an auto precharge then do not add to trace

Definition at line 1029 of file

References DRAMCtrl::Bank::actAllowedAt, DRAMCtrl::Bank::bank, DRAMCtrl::Bank::bytesAccessed, bytesPerActivate, DRAMCtrl::Rank::cmdList, divCeil(), DPRINTF, DRAMCtrl::Bank::NO_ROW, DRAMCtrl::Rank::numBanksActive, DRAMCtrl::Bank::openRow, DRAMCtrl::Rank::outstandingEvents, DRAMCtrl::Bank::preAllowedAt, DRAMCtrl::Rank::prechargeEvent, DRAMCtrl::Rank::rank, EventManager::reschedule(), Stats::DistBase< Derived, Stor >::sample(), EventManager::schedule(), tCK, timeStampOffset, and tRP.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess().

void DRAMCtrl::printQs ( ) const

Used for debugging to observe the contents of the queues.

Definition at line 584 of file

References DPRINTF, ArmISA::i, readQueue, respQueue, and writeQueue.

void DRAMCtrl::processNextReqEvent ( )
void DRAMCtrl::processRespondEvent ( )
bool DRAMCtrl::readQueueFull ( unsigned int  pktCount) const

Check if the read queue has room for more entries.

pktCountThe number of entries needed in the read queue
true if read queue is full, false otherwise

Definition at line 296 of file

References DPRINTF, readBufferSize, readQueue, and respQueue.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and recvTimingReq().

Tick DRAMCtrl::recvAtomic ( PacketPtr  pkt)
void DRAMCtrl::recvFunctional ( PacketPtr  pkt)

Definition at line 2617 of file

References AbstractMemory::functionalAccess().

bool DRAMCtrl::recvTimingReq ( PacketPtr  pkt)
void DRAMCtrl::regStats ( )
bool DRAMCtrl::reorderQueue ( std::deque< DRAMPacket * > &  queue,
Tick  extra_col_delay 

For FR-FCFS policy reorder the read/write queue depending on row buffer hits and earliest bursts available in DRAM.

queueQueued requests to consider
extra_col_delayAny extra delay due to a read/write switch
true if a packet is scheduled to a rank which is available else false

Definition at line 796 of file

References DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::bankId, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::bankRef, bits(), busBusyUntil, DRAMCtrl::Bank::colAllowedAt, curTick(), DPRINTF, ArmISA::i, DRAMCtrl::Rank::isAvailable(), minBankPrep(), DRAMCtrl::Bank::openRow, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::rankRef, DRAMCtrl::DRAMPacket::row, and tCL.

Referenced by chooseNext().

static bool DRAMCtrl::sortTime ( const Command cmd,
const Command cmd_next 

Function for sorting Command structures based on timeStamp.

aMemory Command
nextMemory Command
true if timeStamp of Command 1 < timeStamp of Command 2

Definition at line 1072 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

References DRAMCtrl::Command::timeStamp.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl::Rank::flushCmdList().

void DRAMCtrl::startup ( )

startup() is the final initialization call before simulation.

All state is initialized (including unserialized state, if any, such as the curTick() value), so this is the appropriate place to schedule initial event(s) for objects that need them.

Reimplemented from SimObject.

Definition at line 252 of file

References busBusyUntil, curTick(), divCeil(), isTimingMode, System::isTimingMode(), MipsISA::r, ranks, AbstractMemory::system(), tCK, tCL, timeStampOffset, tRCD, tREFI, and tRP.

Referenced by drainResume().

void DRAMCtrl::updatePowerStats ( Rank rank_ref)

This function increments the energy when called.

If stats are dumped periodically, note accumulated energy values will appear in the stats (even if the stats are reset). This is a result of the energy values coming from DRAMPower, and there is currently no support for resetting the state.

rankCurrrent rank

Referenced by DRAMCtrl::Rank::computeStats(), DRAMCtrl::Rank::processRefreshEvent(), and DRAMCtrl::Rank::suspend().

bool DRAMCtrl::writeQueueFull ( unsigned int  pktCount) const

Check if the write queue has room for more entries.

pktCountThe number of entries needed in the write queue
true if write queue is full, false otherwise

Definition at line 307 of file

References DPRINTF, writeBufferSize, and writeQueue.

Referenced by recvTimingReq().

Member Data Documentation

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::activationLimit

Definition at line 937 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), and DRAMCtrl().

uint8_t DRAMCtrl::activeRank

Definition at line 1043 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and processNextReqEvent().

Enums::AddrMap DRAMCtrl::addrMapping

Definition at line 944 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by decodeAddr(), and init().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgBusLat

Definition at line 1015 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgGap

Definition at line 1037 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgMemAccLat

Definition at line 1016 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgQLat

Definition at line 1014 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgRdBW

Definition at line 1019 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgRdBWSys

Definition at line 1021 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Average DRAMCtrl::avgRdQLen

Definition at line 1029 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgWrBW

Definition at line 1020 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::avgWrBWSys

Definition at line 1022 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Average DRAMCtrl::avgWrQLen

Definition at line 1030 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToWriteQueue(), and regStats().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::backendLatency

Pipeline latency of the backend and PHY.

Along with the frontend contribution, this latency is added to reads serviced by the DRAM.

Definition at line 965 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processRespondEvent().

const bool DRAMCtrl::bankGroupArch

Definition at line 902 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), doDRAMAccess(), and DRAMCtrl().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::bankGroupsPerRank

Definition at line 901 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::banksPerRank

Definition at line 903 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), decodeAddr(), doDRAMAccess(), DRAMCtrl(), minBankPrep(), and regStats().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::burstLength

Definition at line 893 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::burstSize
Tick DRAMCtrl::busBusyUntil

Till when has the main data bus been spoken for already?

Definition at line 970 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), processNextReqEvent(), reorderQueue(), and startup().

BusState DRAMCtrl::busState

Definition at line 151 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

BusState DRAMCtrl::busStateNext

Definition at line 154 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl::Rank::forceSelfRefreshExit(), and processNextReqEvent().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::busUtil

Definition at line 1024 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::busUtilRead

Definition at line 1025 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::busUtilWrite

Definition at line 1026 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Histogram DRAMCtrl::bytesPerActivate

Definition at line 1004 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by prechargeBank(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::bytesReadDRAM

Definition at line 987 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::bytesReadSys

Definition at line 990 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::bytesReadWrQ

Definition at line 988 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::bytesWritten

Definition at line 989 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::bytesWrittenSys

Definition at line 991 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq(), and regStats().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::channels

Definition at line 904 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by decodeAddr(), and init().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::columnsPerRowBuffer

Definition at line 898 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by decodeAddr(), DRAMCtrl(), and init().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::columnsPerStripe

Definition at line 899 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by decodeAddr(), and init().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::deviceBusWidth

Definition at line 892 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::deviceRowBufferSize

Definition at line 894 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::deviceSize

The following are basic design parameters of the memory controller, and are initialized based on parameter values.

The rowsPerBank is determined based on the capacity, number of ranks and banks, the burst size, and the row buffer size.

Definition at line 891 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::devicesPerRank

Definition at line 895 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::frontendLatency

Pipeline latency of the controller frontend.

The frontend contribution is added to writes (that complete when they are in the write buffer) and reads that are serviced the write buffer.

Definition at line 958 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), addToWriteQueue(), and processRespondEvent().

std::unordered_set<Addr> DRAMCtrl::isInWriteQueue

To avoid iterating over the write queue to check for overlapping transactions, maintain a set of burst addresses that are currently queued.

Since we merge writes to the same location we never have more than one address to the same burst address.

Definition at line 868 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), addToWriteQueue(), and processNextReqEvent().

bool DRAMCtrl::isTimingMode

Remeber if the memory system is in timing mode.

Definition at line 134 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by drainResume(), and startup().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::maxAccessesPerRow

Max column accesses (read and write) per row, before forefully closing it.

Definition at line 951 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

Enums::MemSched DRAMCtrl::memSchedPolicy

Memory controller configuration initialized based on parameter values.

Definition at line 943 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by chooseNext().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::mergedWrBursts

Definition at line 993 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToWriteQueue(), and regStats().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::minWritesPerSwitch

Definition at line 910 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::neitherReadNorWrite

Definition at line 994 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl,&DRAMCtrl::processNextReqEvent> DRAMCtrl::nextReqEvent

Definition at line 688 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), addToWriteQueue(), drain(), and processNextReqEvent().

Tick DRAMCtrl::nextReqTime

The soonest you have to start thinking about the next request is the longest access time that can occur before busBusyUntil.

Assuming you need to precharge, open a new row, and access, it is tRP + tRCD + tCL.

Definition at line 980 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and processNextReqEvent().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::numRdRetry

Definition at line 997 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::numWrRetry

Definition at line 998 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq(), and regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::pageHitRate

Definition at line 1040 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Enums::PageManage DRAMCtrl::pageMgmt

Definition at line 945 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::peakBW

Definition at line 1023 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

std::unique_ptr<Packet> DRAMCtrl::pendingDelete

Upstream caches need this packet until true is returned, so hold it for deletion until a subsequent call.

Definition at line 1052 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by accessAndRespond().

Stats::Vector DRAMCtrl::perBankRdBursts

Definition at line 995 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

Stats::Vector DRAMCtrl::perBankWrBursts

Definition at line 996 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

MemoryPort DRAMCtrl::port

Our incoming port, for a multi-ported controller add a crossbar in front of it.

Definition at line 129 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by accessAndRespond(), getSlavePort(), init(), processNextReqEvent(), and processRespondEvent().

Tick DRAMCtrl::prevArrival

Definition at line 972 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq().

std::vector<Rank*> DRAMCtrl::ranks
const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::ranksPerChannel
Stats::Histogram DRAMCtrl::rdPerTurnAround

Definition at line 1005 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent(), and regStats().

Stats::Vector DRAMCtrl::rdQLenPdf

Definition at line 1002 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and regStats().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::readBufferSize

Definition at line 906 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by readQueueFull(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::readBursts

Definition at line 985 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and regStats().

Stats::Vector DRAMCtrl::readPktSize

Definition at line 1000 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and regStats().

std::deque<DRAMPacket*> DRAMCtrl::readQueue

The controller's main read and write queues.

Definition at line 858 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), doDRAMAccess(), drain(), printQs(), processNextReqEvent(), processRespondEvent(), and readQueueFull().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::readReqs

Definition at line 983 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq(), and regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::readRowHitRate

Definition at line 1035 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::readRowHits

Definition at line 1033 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

uint32_t DRAMCtrl::readsThisTime

Definition at line 912 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and processNextReqEvent().

EventWrapper<DRAMCtrl, &DRAMCtrl::processRespondEvent> DRAMCtrl::respondEvent

Definition at line 691 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent(), and processRespondEvent().

std::deque<DRAMPacket*> DRAMCtrl::respQueue

Response queue where read packets wait after we're done working with them, but it's not time to send the response yet.

The responses are stored seperately mostly to keep the code clean and help with events scheduling. For all logical purposes such as sizing the read queue, this and the main read queue need to be added together.

Definition at line 878 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), drain(), printQs(), processNextReqEvent(), processRespondEvent(), and readQueueFull().

bool DRAMCtrl::retryRdReq

Remember if we have to retry a request when available.

Definition at line 139 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processRespondEvent(), and recvTimingReq().

bool DRAMCtrl::retryWrReq

Definition at line 140 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent(), and recvTimingReq().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::rowBufferSize

Definition at line 897 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl(), and init().

uint32_t DRAMCtrl::rowsPerBank

Definition at line 905 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by decodeAddr(), and DRAMCtrl().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::servicedByWrQ

Definition at line 992 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToReadQueue(), and regStats().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tBURST

Definition at line 922 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), DRAMCtrl(), and regStats().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tCCD_L

Definition at line 923 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and DRAMCtrl().

const Tick M5_CLASS_VAR_USED DRAMCtrl::tCK

Basic memory timing parameters initialized based on parameter values.

Definition at line 918 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), doDRAMAccess(), prechargeBank(), and startup().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tCL

Definition at line 925 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), processNextReqEvent(), recvAtomic(), reorderQueue(), and startup().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tCS

Definition at line 921 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and processNextReqEvent().

uint64_t DRAMCtrl::timeStampOffset

Definition at line 1046 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), doDRAMAccess(), prechargeBank(), and startup().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::totBusLat

Definition at line 1011 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::totGap

Definition at line 999 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::totMemAccLat

Definition at line 1010 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::totQLat

Definition at line 1009 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRAS

Definition at line 927 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRCD

Definition at line 924 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), doDRAMAccess(), minBankPrep(), recvAtomic(), and startup().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tREFI

Definition at line 931 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl(), and startup().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRFC

Definition at line 930 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by DRAMCtrl().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRP

Definition at line 926 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), DRAMCtrl(), minBankPrep(), prechargeBank(), recvAtomic(), and startup().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRRD

Definition at line 932 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), and DRAMCtrl().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRRD_L

Definition at line 933 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank(), and DRAMCtrl().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRTP

Definition at line 929 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tRTW

Definition at line 920 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tWR

Definition at line 928 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tWTR

Definition at line 919 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tXAW

Definition at line 934 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by activateBank().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tXP

Definition at line 935 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess().

const Tick DRAMCtrl::tXS

Definition at line 936 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by drain(), and processNextReqEvent().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::writeBufferSize

Definition at line 907 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToWriteQueue(), processNextReqEvent(), regStats(), and writeQueueFull().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::writeBursts

Definition at line 986 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToWriteQueue(), and regStats().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::writeHighThreshold

Definition at line 908 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

const uint32_t DRAMCtrl::writeLowThreshold

Definition at line 909 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent().

Stats::Vector DRAMCtrl::writePktSize

Definition at line 1001 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToWriteQueue(), and regStats().

std::deque<DRAMPacket*> DRAMCtrl::writeQueue
Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::writeReqs

Definition at line 984 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by recvTimingReq(), and regStats().

Stats::Formula DRAMCtrl::writeRowHitRate

Definition at line 1036 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by regStats().

Stats::Scalar DRAMCtrl::writeRowHits

Definition at line 1034 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and regStats().

uint32_t DRAMCtrl::writesThisTime

Definition at line 911 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by doDRAMAccess(), and processNextReqEvent().

Stats::Histogram DRAMCtrl::wrPerTurnAround

Definition at line 1006 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by processNextReqEvent(), and regStats().

Stats::Vector DRAMCtrl::wrQLenPdf

Definition at line 1003 of file dram_ctrl.hh.

Referenced by addToWriteQueue(), and regStats().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Fri Jun 9 2017 13:04:08 for gem5 by doxygen 1.8.6