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RE: Tin VN: Ve^` soa.n tha?o Lua^.t Gia'o Du.c ta.i QH kho'a 9

Ba'c no'i va^.y thi` to^i cu~ng xin the^m va`i lo+`i ngu muo^.i va^.y.
As on my own opinion, we still need 'DDai hoc Dai cu+o+ng' (DHDC)
although we also need some improvements on that. Actually, the DHDC
programs are the same to all students in the very first 2 years entering
academical environment (can I say that in the situation there exists too
many people who are complaining about our what so-called academical
environment). It doesn't make sense when you learn something and never
use it for the second time. It is acceptable if DHDC will be decreased
to 1 years instead of 2 years as currently. DHDC would be usable for
everybody, at least, in the family. It doesn't make sense either if your
wife ask you to change some electric circuit in her kitchen and guess
what, your answer is: "Sorry, I can't" :-).

Quang Huy

> ----------
> From: 	Aiviet Nguyen
> Reply To: 	vnsa-l@csd.uwm.edu
> Sent: 	Thursday, May 22, 1997 10:42 PM
> To: 	Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: 	RE: Tin VN: Ve^` soa.n tha?o Lua^.t Gia'o Du.c ta.i QH
> kho'a 9
> Dear Anh Quang Huy,
>      Anh du`ng chu+` serious qua' tha`nh to^i dda^m nga.i:-) Ca~i nhau
> vui 
> chu+'. To^i ghe't nha^'t la` ma^'y ca^u: "Va^.y la` chu'ng ta nha^'t 
> tri'". O^ng Ba'ch cu~ng cha(?ng cha('c ddu'ng ma`.
>  Cheers
>  Aiviet