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RE: Children of nobody

Dear Friends,

I just forward the message for Ian....

Anyway, I think he just try to be constructive rather than "chu.p mu~
ba^?n thi?u". We are all educated persons and can work together
synergically rather than framing each other destructively.


PS. Ian Nguyen, you see it now...

>From: 	Diem Quynh Nguyen[SMTP:diemquynhng@hotmail.com]
>Sent: 	Saturday, May 24, 1997 11:49 AM
>To: 	Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: 	Re: Children of nobody
>>On Fri, 23 May 1997, Wayne wrote:
>>> >>From: isn@pacific.net.sg 
>>> >>
>>> >>Thu+a ca'c ba'c,
>>> >>
>>> >>Vo+'i loa.t thu+ kha^?n va` lo`ng so^'t sa('ng cu?a ca'c ba'c trong 
>>> >>la`ng vnsa, be^.nh ti`nh cu?a em Thu`y Linh co' le~ se~ ddu+o+.c chu+~a 
>>> >>ki.p 
>>> >>tho+`i.

> Anh AnHai va` anh Wayne (Ian Nguyen) et. al. :
> To^i dda~ dde^` nghi. anh Ian Nguye^~n hay anh Wayne  vie^'t mo^.t proposal 
>ve^` y' cu?a anh a^'y, xem pha^`n ddo'ng go'p cu?a chu'ng ta dda(.c bie^.t
>anh Wayne cho chi'nh y' nghi~ cu?a mi`nh ddu*o*.c bao nhie^u?. 
