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Fw: Fw from TVN: [Info] Homepage of Vietnamese Consulate in San Francisco

-----Original Message-----
From: Tuan V Nguyen <rknguyen@yahoo.com>

Hi ba'c DX,
Tui co' ghe' qua trang nha` cu?a to^?ng la~nh su+. VN o+?
SF.  Tui co' va`i y' kie^'n nhu+ sau:
No'i chung trang nha` na`y load ho+i cha^.m.  Ma'y cu?a tui
du`ng T1 ma` cu~ng to^'n ma^'t ca? phu't.
Anyway, theo tui, trang nha` ne^n co' mo^.t la' co+` cu?a
My~ dda^u ddo' o+? be^n ca.nh co+` VN cho no' "li.ch su+.".
Hie^.n nay, ba?n tie^'ng Anh, te^n cu?a to`a to^?ng la~nh
su+. la` "VIETNAM - The Consulate General of Vietnam in San Francisco,
USA" xem kho^ng o^?n ma^'y.  Chu+~ "THE" va` "OF" ho+i thu+`a. Tui
dde^` nghi. ne^n go.i la` "The Vietnamese Consulate-General, San
Francisco" (bo? "THE" cu~ng ddu+o+.c) cho ddu'ng vo+'i ca'ch go.i
cu?a toa` to^?ng la~nh su+. kha'c tre^n the^' gio+'i.
Ne^n co' su+. nha^'t qua'n trong spelling, eg "VIET NAM" chu+'
kho^ng pha?i "VIETNAM", please.
Ha^`u he^'t o+? mo^~i pha^`n vie^'t ba(`ng tie^'ng Anh dde^`u
co' va^'n dde^`.  Cho^~ thi` lo^.n xo^.n ve^` ca'ch die^~n dda.t,
cho^~ thi` kie^?u nhu+ di.ch tu+` tie^'ng Vie^.t sang tie^'ng Anh
mo^.t ca'ch qua' gu+o+.ng ga.o.  Chi? ddu+a ra va`i vi' du. trong
ha`ng tra(m problems:
"General information about Vietnam in various fields,
especially updates in news on the country, investment,
business, culture, tourism, foreign activities and policies
of Vietnam on Vietnamese overseas".
"Under the agreement between the Government of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the United States of
America, the Consulate General of Vietnam in San Francisco
was established on October 31st 1997. Subsequent to the
establishment of the Embassy of Vietnam in Washington D.C.,
the opening of the first Consulate General of Vietnam in San
Francisco marked a new milestone in the development of the
U.S. - Vietnam relations."
Viet Nam is the center of Southeast Asia.
Viet Nam forms an S shape over 1000 miles long, with a 1,400
mile coastline.
Viet Nam enjoys a wide variety of natural beauty from pristine
beaches all along the coast to stunning mountains.
Viet Nam has a tropical monsoon climate that yields hot weather
all year long in the south.
The successful uprising led by Khuc Thua Dzu
In August 1945, under the leadership of the great patriot Ho
Chi Minh, the Vietnamese secured the government from the
Japanese and abolished the old feudalist regime.
Protecting the rights and interests of the State of the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and of its nationals, both
individuals and bodies corporate in the consular district
Performing any other functions entrusted by the Minister of
Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam which
are not prohibited by the laws and regulations of the U.S.A,
or international laws and practice.
vv va` vv.
Tui la^`n mo` theo pha^`n links va` lo.t va`o trang nha` cu?a
Bo^. Ngoa.i Giao, va` tha^'y cu~ng co' nhie^`u va^'n dde^` ve^`
English.  Cha(?ng ha.n nhu+ ngay trang dda^`u ho. ke^ khai
"Instituties & Researcher"!  Ngoa`i ra, ho. vie^'t "Embasy of the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam to United States of America."  Ca^`n
no'i o+? dda^y la` ngu+o+`i ta thu+o+`ng du`ng "The American
Ambassador to Australia" chu+' kho^ng ai no'i "The American Embassy
to Australia" ca?.  Dde^` nghi. su+?a la.i la` "The Vietnamese
Embassy in Washington" hay gi` gi` ddo' cho no' ddu'ng chu't.
Trong trang nha` cu?a Bo^. Tho^ng tin cu~ng co' va`i lo^~i
tie^'ng Anh.  Cu. the^? la` "Lotistical Structure"! Co`n nhie^`u
Tui tha^'y ne^'u VN muo^'n improve ca'i image cu?a mi`nh
vo+'i nu+o+'c ngoa`i, thi` ca^`n pha?i su+?a nhu+~ng lo^~i ra^'t
elementary na`y.  Ca'ch to^'t nha^'t la` consult nhu+~ng chuye^n
vie^n ve^` tie^'ng Anh o+? trong hay ngoa`i nu+o+'c dde^? cho
cha('c a(n.  Mo^.t homepage cu?a bo^. ngoa.i giao mo^.t quo^'c
gia, toa` la~nh su+. ngay tre^n xu+' no'i tie^'ng Anh ... ma`
vie^'t sai tie^'ng Anh qua' nhie^`u thi` thie^.t la` qua' ky`
va` kho^ng ho+.p ly' chu't na`o.

Tuan V Nguyen