Prereqs: Problem solving skills such as those acquired in a statistics, logic, or advanced high school algebra course; or consent of instructor. Note the course does not require that you have prior programming experience.
Instruction and experience in the use of an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. Program design; development of good programming style; preparation for other Computer Science courses.
Overall Info: This course introduces you to fundamental computer programming concepts as you learn to program in the Java language. Algorithm development, structured programming, code organization (methods), data organization (arrays), basic object-oriented programming, file access, and exception handling are covered. Note we do not consider this an "introductory" course in the sense that some students assume it means the course is easy. This is an introduction to programming that, for some, will be very challenging though others will find the opposite given their aptitude for this material. There is no clear way to predict which you'll be so assume this course's difficulty is similar to 300 level math courses.
Learning Objectives: Students successfully completing this course will be able to analyze problems and formulate algorithms; create robust, user-friendly, well-structured and well-documented Java programs; read basic Java programs to determine their purpose; and have a basic understanding of how computers (software layer) work.