Homework Assignment #4

Part 1 takes 50 points, Part 2 takes 25 points, and Part 3 takes 25 points. Part 3 also has 20 points extra credit.

Part 1

For this homework, you are to write a program that implements both naive Bayes and TAN (tree-augmented naive Bayes). Specifically, you should assume:

For the TAN algorithm. Your program should:

Your program should read files that are in the ARFF format. In this format, each instance is described on a single line. The variable values are separated by commas, and the last value on each line is the class label of the instance. Each ARFF file starts with a header section describing the variables and the class labels. Lines starting with '%' are comments. See the link above for a brief, but more detailed description of the ARFF format. Your program needs to handle only discrete variables, and simple ARFF files (i.e. don't worry about sparse ARFF files and instance weights). Example ARFF files are provided below. Your program can assume that the class variable is named 'class' and it is the last variable listed in the header section.

The program should be called bayes and should accept four command-line arguments as follows:
bayes <train-set-file> <test-set-file> <n|t>
where the last argument is a single character (either 'n' or 't') that indicates whether to use naive Bayes or TAN.

If you are using a language that is not compiled to machine code (e.g. Java), then you should make a small script called bayes that accepts the command-line arguments and invokes the appropriate source-code program and interpreter, as you did with the previous homeworks.

Your program should determine the network structure (in the case of TAN) and estimate the model parameters using the given training set, and then classify the instances in the test set. Your program should output the following:

You can test the correctness of your code using lymph_train.arff and lymph_test.arff, as well as vote_train.arff and vote_test.arff. This directory contains the outputs your code should produce for each data set.

Part 2

For this part, use stratified 10-fold cross validation on the chess-KingRookVKingPawn.arff data set to compare naive Bayes and TAN. Be sure to use the same partitioning of the data set for both algorithms. Report the accuracy the models achieve for each fold and then use a paired t-test to determine the statistical significance of the difference in accuracy. Report both the value of the t-statistic and the resulting p value.

You can use a t-test calculator, such as this one for this exercise.

Part 3 - Written Exercises

This part consists of some written exercises. Download from here. You can use this latex template to write your solution.

Submitting Your Work

You should turn in your work electronically using the Canvas course management system. Turn in all source files and your runnable program as well as a file called hw4.pdf that shows your work for Part 2 and 3. All files should be compressed as one zip file named <Wisc username>_hw4.zip. Upload this zip file at the course Canvas site.