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pqxx::tablestream Class Reference

Base class for streaming data to/from database tables. More...

#include <tablestream.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for pqxx::tablestream:

pqxx::internal::transactionfocus pqxx::internal::namedclass pqxx::tablereader pqxx::tablewriter List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 tablestream (transaction_base &Trans, const PGSTD::string &Name, const PGSTD::string &Null=PGSTD::string(), const char Classname[]="tablestream")
virtual ~tablestream ()=0 throw ()
virtual void complete ()=0
 Finish stream action, check for errors, and detach from transaction.

Protected Member Functions

const PGSTD::string & NullStr () const
bool is_finished () const throw ()
void base_close ()

Static Protected Member Functions

template<typename ITER>
PGSTD::string columnlist (ITER colbegin, ITER colend)
 Construct a comma-separated column list from given sequence.

Detailed Description

Base class for streaming data to/from database tables.

A Tablestream enables optimized batch read or write access to a database table using PostgreSQL's COPY TO STDOUT and COPY FROM STDIN commands, respectively. These capabilities are implemented by its subclasses tablereader and tablewriter.

A Tablestream exists in the context of a transaction, and no other streams or queries may be applied to that transaction as long as the stream remains open.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

pqxx::tablestream::tablestream transaction_base Trans,
const PGSTD::string &  Name,
const PGSTD::string &  Null = PGSTD::string(),
const char  Classname[] = "tablestream"

pqxx::tablestream::~tablestream  )  throw () [pure virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void pqxx::tablestream::base_close  )  [protected]

template<typename ITER>
PGSTD::string pqxx::tablestream::columnlist ITER  colbegin,
ITER  colend
[static, protected]

Construct a comma-separated column list from given sequence.

virtual void pqxx::tablestream::complete  )  [pure virtual]

Finish stream action, check for errors, and detach from transaction.

It is recommended that you call this function before the tablestream's destructor is run. This function will check any final errors which may not become apparent until the transaction is committed otherwise.

As an added benefit, this will free up the transaction while the tablestream object itself still exists.

Implemented in pqxx::tablereader, and pqxx::tablewriter.

bool pqxx::tablestream::is_finished  )  const throw () [protected]

const PGSTD::string& pqxx::tablestream::NullStr  )  const [protected]

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