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pqxx::noticer Struct Reference

Base class for user-definable error/warning message processor. More...

#include <connection_base.hxx>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~noticer () throw ()
virtual void operator() (const char Msg[])=0 throw ()

Detailed Description

Base class for user-definable error/warning message processor.

To define a custom method of handling notices, derive a new class from noticer and override the virtual function "operator()(const char[]) throw()" to process the message passed to it.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual pqxx::noticer::~noticer  )  throw () [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void pqxx::noticer::operator() const char  Msg[]  )  throw () [pure virtual]

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Generated on Mon Nov 15 11:28:02 2004 for libpqxx by  doxygen