Aws Albarghouthi

Aws Albarghouthi
Associate Professor
Computer Sciences

I study the art and science of program synthesis and verification. My group is currently focused on two problems: a) automatically synthesizing compilers for quantum computers and b) certifying robustness and fairness of machine learning. I'm always looking for ambitious students.

cv  ·  blog  ·

🔥 News

02.25 Lauren & Amanda's paper on database correctness to appear at OOPSLA!
02.25 Abtin's paper on quantum surface codes to appear at OOPSLA!
02.25 We've released wisq, our quantum-circuit compiler
01.25 Anna's paper on multiplicity perceptions to appear at CHI!

📚 Books

Introduction to neural network verification
Aws Albarghouthi

📝 Papers

see all papers  ·  preprints on arxiv

Checking observational correctness of database systems
OOPSLA 25 · Pick, Xu, Desai, Seshia, Albarghouthi

Dependency-aware compilation for surface code quantum architectures
OOPSLA 25 · Molavi, Xu, Tannu, Albarghouthi

Optimizing quantum circuits, fast and slow
ASPLOS 25 · Xu, Molavi, Tannu, Albarghouthi

Perceptions of the fairness impacts of multiplicity in machine learning
CHI 25 · Meyer, Kim, Albarghouthi, D’Antoni

The dataset multiplicity problem: How unreliable data impacts predictions
FACCT 23 · Meyer, Albarghouthi, D’Antoni

Synthesizing quantum-circuit optimizers
PLDI 23 · Xu, Molavi, Pick, Tannu, Albarghouthi

Proving data-poisoning robustness in decision trees
CACM 23 · Drews, Albarghouthi, D’Antoni
🏆 Research highlight

Sketching robot programs on the fly
HRI 23 · Porfirio, Stegner, Cakmak, Sauppé, Albarghouthi, Mutlu

Crowdsourcing task traces for service robotics
HRI 23 · Porfirio, Sauppé, Cakmak, Albarghouthi, Mutlu

BagFlip: A certified defense against data poisoning
NeurIPS 22 · Zhang, Albarghouthi, D’Antoni

AutoWS-Bench-101: Benchmarking Automated Weak Supervision with 100 Labels
NeurIPS 22 · Roberts, Li, Huang, Adila, Schoenberg, Liu, Pick, Ma, Albarghouthi, Sala

Qubit mapping and routing via MaxSAT
MICRO 22 · Molavi, Xu, Diges, Pick, Tannu, Albarghouthi · code

🎓 Research group

Abtin Molavi
Amanda Xu
Jiayu Wang
Gabriel Orlanski
Anna P. Meyer

Yuhao Zhang · PhD 24 ➞ Scientist at AWS
Lauren Pick · Postdoc 24 ➞ Assistant Professor at CUHK
David Porfirio · PhD 22 ➞ Researcher at The Naval Research Lab
Samuel Drews · PhD 21 ➞ Software Engineer at Facebook
Jinman Zhao · PhD 21 ➞ Scientist at AWS
Calvin Smith · PhD 20 ➞ Postdoc at University of Texas, Austin
Goutham Ramakrishnan · MSc 20 ➞ ML Engineer at Health at Scale
Yun Chan Lee · MSc 19 ➞ Software Engineer at AWS

🏆 Awards

22 Amazon Research Award
22 Class of 1955 Teaching Excellence Award
21 SIGPLAN research highlight for PLDI 20 paper
20 Facebook programming languages and probability award
20 Facebook programming languages and probability award
19 Facebook programming languages and probability award
18 UIST Best paper award
18 FAST Best paper award
17 FSE Best paper award
17 NSF CAREER award
16 Google faculty research award
13 SV-COMP Winner of 4 gold medals and 1 bronze medal
10 Alexander Graham Bell Canada graduate scholarship

✏️ Teaching

S22 CS 704: Principles of programming languages

🍉 The name  ·  أوس البرغوثي

My first name rhymes with house—i.e., pronounced ouse. Aws is an ancient Arabic word for wolf. See, for example, this Graeco-Arabic inscription.

My last name is pronounced Al·bər·go͞o·tē (or Bər·go͞o·tē). Albarghouthi is a Palestinian family from the village of Deir Ghassaneh, about 20 miles north of Jerusalem and east of Jaffa.


To my knowledge, my PhD thesis (p. 77) is the first CS thesis to cite Jay Z
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