Microsoft Windows
- Device Pathnames
(or \ if you use that)
which allow you to access a partition storage
directly (aka /dev/disk-device).
- XXXX Find out how to make boot selector remember the LAST OS
it booted (like OS/2 Boot Manager) so it always reboots
into the same thing you had running.
- OS/2 Boot Manager installs into its own partition.
- NT Physical Device Names are accessed the same way as partitions
but with something longer than a drive letter. For
example the name of the first few disks are:
- physicaldrive0
- physicaldrive1
- Installing Virtual PC 2007 on Win 2K
- Run disk defragmenter multiple times to compact space on a disk.
The first time defrag runs, it just defrags files.
If you run it again it will actually compact the disk.
May need to move paging, hibernation, and registery hive
files off of your disk, or use a sysinternals tool (XXX find it)
to defrag those other portions of the drive.
- If a DOS partition is provided, Win2K will automatically format
it, mark it active, and install the boot selector on it.
So, for example if you want NTFS on D:, C: will automagically
become a FAT filesystem with the boot stuff.
- To boot other operating systems using the Win2k Boot Manager,
just grab the partition's boot block, make it a file in
the C: boot manager disk, and add an entry to the hidden
file. Voila.
- Installing Win2k after other operating systems may wipe out the
disk MBR with the windows one.
- Real Men Don't Click -- real automated installs
David Hornsby's article has great detail on how to go about using
VPC to install NetBSD.
Virtual Server
Bolo's Notes
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Last Modified:
Fri Mar 6 00:47:11 CST 2009
Bolo (Josef Burger)