HTML Shipyard
Some of these HTML documents are still on the ways,
being built.
Others are in drydock, awaiting a finishing touch.
If you find problems or have a suggestion, please
tell me!
Table of Contents
I had trouble reading these documents.
Some of the problems with the old HTML in these
repaired documents were:
- Using HTML to try to format a document to a particular appearance.
Unfortunately, this only tends to look right on any one browser.
What's worse, it often renders the document unreadable
with other browsers
- Incorrect HTML. Unmatched "binary" HTML tags, other goofs.
- Spelling errors. That's not a HTML problem, but I fix them
if I notice them.
- I try to make the documents understandable when using
a text-mode browser such as lynx. This can be such
things as providing alternate text for images,
expanding anchors to cover text as well as inline
images, and other simple courtesies.
I've made local copies of the images for some of these pages.
For others I haven't; it depends if the images were causing
oddities with the document formatting.
My hope is for the authors to reclaim these improved (IMHO) documents,
so that others may also read them with ease!
I've been converting some of the FurryMUCK server,
TinyMUCK, documents to HTML.
I hope they will eventually make their way back into the master
collection of Muck documentation which
This page is my prototype for news' eventual WWW information
about Usenet News.
I hope to build a collection of information about news software,
documentation, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and other
information that will help users of news.
These RFCs have been converted from preformatted text
to HTML, making them easier to read with any browser.
I'm working on a NetBSD device
driver for the Hayes ESP
high speed serial interface.
I tend to prefer online documentation, so I'm in the progress
of converting Hayes's documentation to HTML.
Note that Hayes has some ridiculous copyright restrictions
on this document, so please don't make any copies of it.
Any errors in the HTML conversion are my fault.
So far the only entry here is a HTML version of Frank Sergeant's
3 Instruction Forth article.
Bolo's Home Page
Last Modified:
Mon Jun 14 13:36:04 CDT 2004
Bolo (Josef Burger)