By the way, some of this text that looks unreadable ... is. It is Under Construction. Some of the unreadable items are reminders of details I want to elaborate upon, memory keys, ideas for web pages about technical details and comments, etc.
Leave Madison -- MSN -- Dane County Truax Field Detroit -- DTW -- Metro Wayne Airport
Amsterdam -- AMS -- Schiphol Airport Prague -- PRG -- Ruzny Airport Bankomat Hunt Transit Pass - speaking czech Zdena & Marketa Dad & Mom (Goulash in bread bowl) Prague Main Station -- Hlavní Nádraží
Hlavní Nádraží -- Main Station -- Aerial Mapy.CZ Luggage Lockers Hotel Akcent
Hotel Akcent & Andel Metro Station & Parking Fiasco Parking fiasco Zdena's Dumplings & Drinks & Parky
Try to drop off address list at Akcent Walk around Smichov Smichov Nadrazi Ride Trams Randomly Back to Start, Switch Trams Wander around get re-acquainted with old & new Prague. Should have taken notes last year on cool places! Tram mis-stop walking to Mila, Devicka afterwards! Walk new route.
Devicka Metro Station Mila & Eva & Hanka Ride to H. Akcent w/ Parents through Tunnel to Smichov. Time Metro & Trams home for next morning.
Parents all day Wake Early Hotel Akcent Breakfast Luggage to Main Station Return Car fiasco Hotel Carlos IV -- Dad's Bank Office President Suite
Dad's Dad's Bank -- Aerial Mapy.CZ Walk with Dad & Dad's Banker Friend through Prague. Dinner w/ Zdena, Edda, Stana, wedding oops, Atelier
Restaurant Atelier Rush for Train Main Station Details, Tracks, Locomotive
Look for books. Communism statue by Ujezd Climb Prague west hill (cable car too busy) Great Views of Prague Examine cable car trackage -- slides across Petŕín Tower (oops, missed the maze) History of the Petřín Cable (Funicular) Rail Road in Prague Petrin Observation Tower -- Aerial Mapy.CZ Lunch (not enough) Ride cable car down the hill.
Cable / Funicular (Top Station to Left) -- Mapy.CZ Transit Museum, missed exit due to off-by-1 recording on Tram.
Prague Transit Museum -- Aerial View -- Mapy.CZ Tram to Hradčanska Can't find the bus, so walk old route Meet Tomaš & his brother-in-law Peter Drive NW to (unsure) Smečno Drink beer, eat Klobása. 2x Rock Concert w/ brother Erik The first band was a rock band that wrote their own music. It was good stuff. The name of Erik's band, Kush Babo 4077, roughly tranlsated, means Old Witch. Kush Babo plays covers, and they have a nice rich sound. Sleeping on feet Rain & Thunder & Lightning Drive home
Fish lunch w/ Edda Drive to Pisek Horse Ranch Suspected Horse Ranch (Don't know name or if correct) Edda 3 Downtown Pisek Oldest Stone Bridge in Europe Oldest Stone Bridge in Europe Pisek Restored Square (Bridge UL) Bridge Across the Vltava Tabor Tabor (Parking lot LL, Square Center) Scenic Drive to Prague Edd's House Pizza w/ Stana & Edda
Vysehrad -- Wikipedia
Vysehrad Aerial View -- Mapy.CZ Cathedral of St. Paul and St. Peter
Cathedral of St. Paul and St. Peter -- Wikipedia
Vysehrad Cemetery -- Wikipedia
Cathedral of St. Paul and St. Peter & Cemetery View from Grounds Groto Lunch Random Tram Walk through Wenceslas Square, shopping road, etc. Tired, back to Zdenas'. Look at books w/ Stana -- Survival Czech, grammar card, evaluate books & slovníks. Dinner w/ Stana at Pivovarský Dům
Pivovarsky Dum
Metro Interupted Na Znameni On the way to the aiport, I stumbled across another one of the Prague Tram system Car Barns ... Tramvaj Barn by Hloubětín No bus schedule
Kbely Airport -- Mapy.CZ Kbely Aviation Museum
Kbely Aviation Museum (Czech Only)
Kbely Aviation Muzeum -- Mapy.CZ Walking, Walking Dinner w/ Stana @ place on Vršovické námésti Friendly Dog
Walking ... Shopping ... Slovník v1, camera stores Meet Edda @ Zdena's Museum of Art & Stuff Charles Bridge x2 ??? & ice cream (neighborhood under bridge) St Mikulas Prazky Hrad & View Edda's Birthday 17 Aviation Restaurant & Museum under Žižkov tower.
Zizkov Tower Wing's Club Restaurant Wing's Club Restaurant Review Wing's Club Restaurant (English) Dinner w/ Stana, Edda, Edda, Koukiro (sp?) Walking home, motorcycle wheelie
Slovník, v2 Replacement Survival Czech Prague Vystaviste
Prague Vystaviste -- Aerial Mapy.CZ Troya Pedestrian bridge across Vltava Prague Zoo
Prague Zoo Grounds (zoom & scroll -- large zoo) -- Mapy.CZ Zoo aerial cable car, flood, animals, mountain, cat house, cubs Meet Stana & Tomaš Wander through ??? (see above), river front. Cable car to top of West hill Hunger Wall Walk down hill & see prague views Tomaš points out pair church to St. Mikulas Square w/ Pink Tank (removed), not really the 1st tank. Goulash dinner Goodnight
Wake early (0600) Leave for Airport Prague -- PRG -- Ruzne Airport Amsterdam -- AMS -- Schiphol Airport NW Crew late, Detroit -- DTW -- Metro Wayne Airport Madison -- MSN -- Dane County Airport @ 1715 Home 1800 (about midnight/0100 Prague Time) Sleep (woke about 0600 prague time, back to sleep)
Parking in Prague Transit System Where to stay Prague H-D War Museum Ride the Rails Details about RR in Prague/CR. Railroad Atlas Good Driving Atlas Big park on way to airport. Botanical Gardens Mozart More MIcro-Breweries Brewery Tours? Ask about aviation jobs, talk to aviation people. Hiking Motorcycle Rental