Instructions for Lab TAs

CS 302 File Cabinet

A file cabinet in 1366 CS contains supplies to be used during labs. The key to unlock it is normally kept in the top-left desk drawer in 1303 CS. Use your CS outdoor key to unlock that room. Usually during the day the key is simply passed from TA to TA and returned to the desk drawer at the end of the day/shift. The file cabinet drawers are used as follows (top to bottom):

Before Each Lab

First Lab Instructions

1. One TA should be at the door directing students to 1350 CS to activate their CS accounts. The other TA should be in 1350 CS helping students as needed.

2. As students return to their lab room, the TA at the door should direct students to the computer they'll be using and take attendance (using a copy of the team sheet).

3. After accounts have been activated, briefly introduce yourselves.

4. Have the students launch the Mozilla Firefox web browser and go to the CS302 main course web page (

5. Have the students go to the web page for lab 1 (by clicking on the Labs link)

6. Show the students how to navigate to their L: drive.

7. Walk around to make sure the students tour the CS302 website.

8. Help out students while they do the Eclipse Tutorial.

At the End of Each Lab

Equipment Problems