w + 3
subs(x=4,%)Comment: Note that the commands do not have names assigned. In the second command, the
refers to the result of the first command, but in the third command the%
refers to the result of the second command. Thus%
acts like a name, but it refers to the result of the command that was just previously executed.? subs
Comment: The
command will invoke the on-line documentation for whatever command that follows it.a1 := exp(-h*v/(k*T))
a1Comment: After
is typed, Maple forgets about the namea1
and what it represents.a1 := sin(omega*t)
b1 := cos(omega*t):
c1 := a1^2 + b1^2Comment: The first command is echoed to the screen in blue, but the second is not because a
was appended to the end. Yet the third command shows that the second command was remembered by Maple.