Chapter 8. Version history

Table of Contents

From V2.23 to V2.24 (Boost 1.51)
From V2.22 to V2.23 (Boost 1.50)
From V2.21 to V2.22 (Boost 1.48)
From V2.20 to V2.21 (Boost 1.47)
From V2.12 to V2.20 (Boost 1.46)
From V2.10 to V2.12 (Boost 1.45)
From V2.0 to V2.12 (Boost 1.44)

From V2.23 to V2.24 (Boost 1.51)

  • Support for boost::any or kleene as an acceptable event.

  • Bugfix: compiler error with fsm internal table and none(compound) event.

  • Bugfix: euml::defer_ leading to stack overflow.