About Us

Women's ice hockey is a fast-paced non-checking game, involving a high level of teamwork. Previous knowledge of the game or of ice-skating is not necessary. Skills can be taught, but you must provide the commitment to the club and to your team.

Each year, we field three teams: A (advanced), B (intermediate - advanced), and C (novice). The A team plays in the American Collegiate Hockey League (ACHA). The league consists of teams from across the country. This league is rapidly increasing in competitiveness and is recommended for advanced players who are looking for tough competition and willing to give an extra commitment to working hard in and outside of the scheduled practice times. Additional eligibility constraints may apply.

The intermediate (B) team and the novice-intermediate level (C) team play in the North Division of the Central Women's Hockey League, playing teams from all over Wisconsin. Although the teams play at different levels, all are competitive, requiring games at home and away from Madison on the weekends. The C team is additionally open to plays with no previous hockey experience.

General Information

The following is an aggregation of philosophy, requirements, and miscellaneous details about the club. Feel free to contact us for clarification or more information on these and any other topics.

Club Goals
  1. Teach women the game of ice hockey and foster existing knowledge, including skating skills, hockey skills, and strategy.
  2. Provide a positive environment for women to compete in ice hockey against other women's teams.
  3. Have fun doing the above.
Eligibility Requirements

You must be a UW-Madison student, staff or faculty member, with a valid university ID, while in the club. As we are a self-run organization, members are also expected to contribute to the activities associated with running the club.


Skates and stick are required to be on the ice. Other pieces of equipment, such as helmet, gloves, breezers (pants), shin guards, shoulder pads, elbow pads, socks, and a mouth guard are more or less necessary. The club loans some equipment out, but these supplies are minimal. Fees and/or deposits may be required for equipment rental. You may also rent game jerseys from the Club for a refundable deposit fee of $45 per jersey or you may purchase your own.


Ice time is unfortunately costly. We are fortunate to be associated with the University, who provides us with ice time at the Shell (Camp Randall Memorial Sports Center). Each team must pay for ice time, league fees, referees, coach expenses, equipment maintenance, etc. Thus, the season dues are an inescapable part of playing ice hockey. Dues each season are approximately $300 - $400 for the season for each skater, excluding additional travel expenses. Advanced players can expect league fees of approximately $400. You must pay your total dues by the end of September.

Team Structures

Unfortunately, roster space on each team is limited. However, between the three teams, there is always space for interested parties within the club. When composing rosters, teams consider tne the interest, number and experience level of incoming players together with the number of returning players. We will attempt to accommodate all who wish to play, but as with any team sport, there are a limited number of spots on a given team's roster. Therefore until that meeting we cannot guarantee that all new players will be able to join their prefered team.

The teams are divided by ability, experience, and commitment. We encourage you to sign up for whichever team will best match your expectations, motivation, and comfort level. However, as our ultimate goal is to have manageable numbers on each team, the coaches, with help from the captains, will make alterations to any roster if necessary according to skill level. This will occur after the practices held in mid-September.


We practice at the Shell(Camp Randall Memorial Sports Center) beginning in early September. Practices are typically held Tuesdays at 5pm and Thursdays 6:15pm with some weekend practices when game ice is not in use. Home games are typically played at the Shell at 4:30pm on Saturdays and 11:15am on Sundays. Specific ice times vary, however, teams will practice on a rotating schedule to accommodate all three teams. Typically, each team practices on ice one hour per week and has one to two games per weekend from October through March. A hockey is a sport that requires such a high level of teamwork, it is vital that you attend all practices, and devote your attention while you are there to your coach.

If you are unable to make a practice, please contact a coach or captain. Decisions about specific team goals and policies regarding practices and games will be decided on a per-team basis.

Player Guidelines
  1. A new player is expected to make a commitment by paying their entire club dues after skating with the club 2-3 times. This is expected to take place by the end of September. Refund of entire dues will only occur under special circumstances or for medical reasons. Otherwise, a prorated refund will occur. Rosters will be finalized around Oct 15 and at that point at most 1/2 of a player's dues will be refunded.
  2. Every player must have a job and contribute to the club and/or their team.
  3. A fee and/or deposit will be assessed for equipment rental and a $45 refundable deposit fee for game Jersey rental per jersey.
  4. All equipment should be checked in at the end of the season and re-checked out for summer.
  5. Players must pay for their own food and lodging for away trips.
  6. Players will use University supplied vans for away travel unless it is advantageous to the team for a player to take their own car.
  7. Each team should have its own policy regarding missing practices and make it known to their members at the beginning of the season.
  8. A player may join for the second semester under the team's discretion and only if there is room on the roster. They would then pay one-half the cost of the total dues. They must pay the current price for USA Hockey dues and have their name on the roster prior to Dec 31. USA Hockey rosters are closed after Dec 31.
  9. Each team should decide the role of their coaches, the amount of authority they have and let it be known to both players and coaches. There is a limit of 3 coaches per team.
  10. Make all checks out to "UW Women's Ice Hockey Club" for all club related items unless otherwise specified. Do not make checks out to the person collecting the money.
  11. All players should have an email address to check for club info, and use the email list, womens-hockey@lists.services.wisc.edu, for hockey related info only.