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7.8 Other questions

Is there a Condor mailing-list?

Yes. There are two useful mailing lists. First, we run an extremely low traffic mailing list solely to announce new versions of Condor. Follow the instructions for Condor World at Second, our users can be extremely knowledgeable, and they help each other solve problems using the Condor Users mailing list. Again, follow the instructions for Condor Users at

My question isn't in the FAQ!

If you have any questions that are not listed in this FAQ, try looking through the rest of the manual. Try joining the Condor Users mailing list, where our users support each other in finding answers to problems. Follow the instructions at If you still can't find an answer, feel free to contact us at

Note that Condor's free e-mail support is provided on a best-effort basis, and at times we may not be able to provide a timely response. If guaranteed support is important to you, please inquire about our paid support services.

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