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Check user log files for errors


condor_check_userlogs UserLogFile1 [UserLogFile2 ... UserLogFileN ]


condor_check_userlogs is a program for checking a user log or set of users logs for errors. Output includes an indication that no errors were found within a log file, or a list of errors such as an execute or terminate event without a corresponding submit event, or multiple terminated events for the same job.

condor_check_userlogs is especially useful for debugging condor_dagman problems. If condor_dagman reports an error it is often useful to run condor_check_userlogs on the relevant log files.

Exit Status

condor_check_userlogs will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


Condor Team, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Copyright © 1990-2011 Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the Condor Version 7.7.5 Manual or for additional notices.

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