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Manage user priorities


condor_userprio [-pool centralmanagerhostname[:portnumber]] [-all] [-usage] [-setprio username value] [-setfactor username value] [-setaccum username value] [-setbegin username value] [-setlast username value] [-resetusage username] [-resetall] [-delete username] [-getreslist username] [-allusers] [-activefrom month day year] [-l] [-grouporder] [-grouprollup]


condor_userprio with no arguments, lists the active users (see below) along with their priorities, in increasing priority order. The -all option can be used to display more detailed information about each user, which includes the following columns:

Effective Priority
The effective priority value of the user, which is used to calculate the user's share when allocating resources. A lower value means a higher priority, and the minimum value (highest priority) is 0.5. The effective priority is calculated by multiplying the real priority by the priority factor.
Real Priority
The value of the real priority of the user. This value follows the user's resource usage.
Priority Factor
The system administrator can set this value for each user, thus controlling a user's effective priority relative to other users. This can be used to create different classes of users.
Res Used
The number of resources currently used (e.g. the number of running jobs for that user).
Accumulated Usage
The accumulated number of resource-hours used by the user since the usage start time.
Usage Start Time
The time since when usage has been recorded for the user. This time is set when a user job runs for the first time. It is reset to the present time when the usage for the user is reset (with the -resetusage or -resetall options).
Last Usage Time
The most recent time a resource usage has been recorded for the user.

The -usage option displays the username, accumulated usage, usage start time and last usage time for each user, sorted on accumulated usage.

The -setprio, -setfactor options are used to change a user's real priority and priority factor. The -setaccum option sets a user's accumulated usage. The -setbegin, -setlast options are used to change a user's begin usage time and last usage time. The -setaccum option sets a user's accumulated usage. The -resetusage and -resetall options are used to reset the accumulated usage for users. The usage start time is set to the current time when the accumulated usage is reset. These options require administrator privileges.

By default only users for whom usage was recorded in the last 24 hours or whose priority is greater than the minimum are listed. The -activefrom and -allusers options can be used to display users who had some usage since a specified date, or ever. The summary line for last usage time will show this date.

The -getreslist option is used to display the resources currently used by a user. The output includes the start time (the time the resource was allocated to the user), and the match time (how long has the resource been allocated to the user).

Note that when specifying user names on the command line, the name must include the UID domain (e.g. user@uid-domain - exactly the same way user names are listed by the userprio command).

The -pool option can be used to contact a different central-manager instead of the local one (the default).

For security purposes (authentication and authorization), this command requires an administrator's level of access. See section 3.6.1 on page [*] for further explanation.


-pool centralmanagerhostname[:portnumber]
Contact specified centralmanagerhostname with an optional port number instead of the local central manager. This can be used to check other pools. NOTE: The host name (and optionally port) specified refer to the host name (and port) of the condor_negotiator to query for user priorities. This is slightly different than most Condor tools that support -pool, which expect the host name (and optionally port) of the condor_collector, instead.

Display detailed information about each user.

Display usage information for each user.

-setprio username value
Set the real priority of the specified user to the specified value.

-setfactor username value
Set the priority factor of the specified user to the specified value.

-setaccum username value
Set the accumulated usage of the specified user to the specified floating point value.

-setbegin username value
Set the begin usage time of the specified user to the specified value.

-setlast username value
Set the last usage time of the specified user to the specified value.

-resetusage username
Reset the accumulated usage of the specified user to zero.

Reset the accumulated usage of all the users to zero.

-delete username
Remove the specified username from Condor's accounting.

-getreslist username
Display all the resources currently allocated to the specified user.

Display information for all the users who have some recorded accumulated usage.

-activefrom month day year
Display information for users who have some recorded accumulated usage since the specified date.

Show the class-ad which was received from the central-manager in long format.

Display submitter information with accounting group entries at the top of the list, and in breadth-first order within the group hierarchy tree.

Report submitter statistics such that statistics for accounting group entries are accumulated by group hierarchy. Accounting group statistics for ResourcesUsed<N>, WeightedResourcesUsed<N>, AccumulatedUsage<N>, and WeightedAccumulatedUsage<N> include summed amounts from all subgroups. For example, the ResourcesUsed<N> attribute for a group will include the resources used by itself and all its subgroups. BeginUsageTime<N> uses the earliest minute, while LastUsageTime<N> uses the most recent. Priority<N> and PriorityFactor<N> are set to 0.0 when this option is in effect.

Exit Status

condor_userprio will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


Condor Team, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Copyright © 1990-2011 Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the Condor Version 7.7.5 Manual or for additional notices.

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