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create an artifact of the creation of a process


uniq_pid_midwife [- -noblock] [- -file filename] [- -precision seconds] program [programargs]


uniq_pid_midwife starts a given program, while creating an artifact of the program's birth. At a later time the uniq_pid_undertaker can examine the artifact to determine whether the program is still running or whether it has exited. uniq_pid_midwife accomplishes this by recording an enforced unique process identifier to the artifact.


- -file filename
The filename to use for the artifact file. Defaults to pid.file.
- -precision seconds
The precision the operating system is expected to have in regards to process creation times. Defaults to an operating system specific value. The default is the best choice in most cases.
- -noblock
Exit after the program has been confirmed, typically 3 times the precision. Defaults to block until the program exits.
program [programargs]
Forks a process and executes program with programargs as command-line arguments (when specified).

Exit Status

uniq_pid_midwife will exit with a status of 0 (zero) upon success, and non-zero otherwise.

See Also

uniq_pid_undertaker (on page [*]), filelock_midwife (on page [*]).


Condor Team, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Copyright © 1990-2011 Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See the Condor Version 7.7.5 Manual or for additional notices.

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