Homework 0 // Due at Lecture Wednesday Jan 27
Problem 1
Fill out a 4 by 6 index card with the following information:
Be sure to leave a 2" by 2" space in the upper right hand corner
for your photograph (see below).
- Name (last name, first name)
- E-Mail Address
- Year in School
- Major Field
- Final Degree Goal (e.g., Ph.D.)
- Previous Education (degrees, institutions)
- Previous Computer Architecture Courses
- Previous Computer Science Courses
- Relevant Work Experience
- Outside Interests
Start each item on a new line. Please print clearly.
In the lower corner, print the course number and semester. For example,
CS552, Spring 2010
Problem 2
Supply a 2" by 2" (passport size) photograph of yourself.
Be sure to write your name on the back.
Attach it to the card for problem 1 with a staple or tape
(not a paper clip).
The photos will not be returned.