Assignments may require the review of material that is touched upon, but
not covered in depth in class. Assignments will not be weighted equally.
The approximate weights of each assignment will be specified when the
assignment is handed out, but may be adjusted to account for unexpected difficulty.
Assignments will be due IN CLASS on the due date. Assignments late by less than one day lose 25%. Assignments later than
one day will not be graded, except under special
circumstances (e.g., major illness, with doctor's documentation).
Special arrangments due to academic and non-academic conflicts must be discussed
with the instructor at least one
week before the assignment is due.
Homework Due Dates, Assignments (& Solutions)
Due Wednesday, Jan 27: |
Homework #0 regarding student info and prerequisite.
Due Monday, Feb 8: |
Homework #1 Logic design review
Due Wednesday, Feb 17: |
Homework #2 Advanced logic design
Due Wednesday, Mar 3: |
Homework #3 Pipelining
Due Wednesday, Mar 17: |
Homework #4 Advanced pipelining and memory systems
Due Wednesday, Apr 7: |
Homework #5 Advanced memory systems
Due Wednesday, Apr 28: |
Homework #6 Potpourri
How to Turn in Homework
First add this line to your shell configuration file:
export PATH=$PATH:/s/handin/bin
set path = ($path /s/handin/bin )
Then turn in a homework like this:
handin -c cs552-1 -a <assignment_name> -d <directory>
<assignment_name> is the name of the assignment. This will be something like hw1, hw2 etc...
<directory> is the path to the directory where all your files are located.
handin will go through the specified directory and hand in all the necessary files.