Homework 6 // Due at Lecture Wednesday, November 3, 2010
You will perform this assignment on two architectures, a SPARC Niagara
2 (gamay.cs.wisc.edu) and and Intel Nehalem
You should do this assignment alone. No late assignments.
The purpose of this assignment is to think about a non-threaded approach to concurrency, namely
MapReduce, and how we can use it to parallelize a familiar application.
Programming Environment: MapReduce
MapReduce is an environment pioneered
by Google to facilitate parallism
in searches. While not originally intended for shared-memory systems,
implementations exist that run on commodity CMPs. A tutorial from a
previous year can be
found here. The
Phoenix release you will be using also comes with documentation and
In this assignment you will be using version 2.0 of
the Phoenix mapreduce
implementation. Visit the website for source code and
Programming Task: N-Bodies (Again!)
In this assignment you will again be writing two implementations of
the N-body program. Version 1 will be using an n^2 algorithm, and the
second version will use the n log n
algorithm. See assignment
#3 for more details on N-Bodies.
Problem 1: Pairwise N-Body MapReduce
You are you implement an N^2 version of parallel N-Bodies. You may
reuse any existing code from assignment #3. Using MapReduce will
demand a new approach to finding the parallelism in N-Bodies. You are
encouraged to think carefully before implementing your algorithm. You
are free to adopt any strategy you wish for this assignment.
The MapReduce scheduler accepts quite a few tuning parameters -- be
sure to experiment with these parameters to achieve optimal
performance for your implementation.
Problem 2: Logarithmic N-Body MapReduce
Find a way to implement parallel N-bodies in an n log n algorithm
using MapReduce. This may take some thought, so begin early.
Problem 3: Evaluation
Evaluate your code on gamay and ale. Show speedups on
ale for N=[1,2,4,8,16] and on gamay for N=[1,2,4,8,16,32,64]. You are
not required to bind threads, though you may choose to do so. You can
also choose your own input for this assignment. Choose the smallest
body count and timestep that is able to show the interesting parts of
your program's execution characterstics.
Also compare your MapReduce implementation to the TBB and OpenMP
implementations you created in assignment #3. You do not need to
include gamay runs in this comparison.
Problem 4: Questions (Submission Credit)
Describe your parallelization strategies for both the N^2 and n log n implementations. Did your strategy include considerations for data locality, communication, etc?
Is MapReduce a good model for the N-bodies problem? Why or why not? Did you prefer MapReduce, TBB, or OpenMP?
What performance tuning parameters did you pass to the MapReduce runtime?
Describe any interesting points in your evaluation graph.
Which performed best, MapReduce, TBB, or OpenMP?
Tips and Tricks
Start early.
Do the MapReduce Tutorial.
Make a plan before you start writing code.
What to Hand In
Please turn this homework in on paper at the beginning of lecture.
A printout of your MapReduce-specific portions of code. This must include the map function, and may optionally include
splitter, reduce, partition and any other non-trivial code. Please do not include code that is
Evaluation graphs.
Answers to questions in Problem 3.
Important: Include your name on EVERY page.