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cardinal B-splines %


The (centered) cardinal B-spline of order $k$ was introduced in Schoenberg46a(page 68) as the inverse Fourier transform $$%
M_k(x) := \int_{-\infty}^\infty\left(\sin u/2\over u/2\right)^k e^{\ii ux}\dd u/(2\pi) $$%
of a certain function having zeros of order $k$ at all points in $2\pi\ZZ\bs0$ and shown directly to equal the $k$th order central difference of the (normalized) truncated power of order $k$, i.e., $$%
M_k(x) = \gd^k x_+^{k-1}/(k-1)! = \sum_{j=0}^k (-1)^j {k\choose j} (x+{k\over2}-j)_+^{k-1} /(k-1)!, $$%
as well as the convolution product $$%
M_k = M_1*\cdots*M_1 $$%
of $k$ copies of the characteristic function of the interval $[-1/2\fromto 1/2]$ (see loc.cit.~page~69). This latter fact gives at once the positivity of $M_k$ on its support, $(-k/2\fromto k/2)$, as well as the fact that $$%
\sum_{j\in\ZZ}M_k(\cdot-j) = 1. $$%

Schoenberg later (e.g., in his sequence of papers on cardinal spline interpolation, summarized in his book Schoenberg73a) also uses the forward B-spline $$%
Q_k(x) = M_k(x+k/2) = M(x|0,\ldots,k) $$%
and observes, on page 61 of that book, that $$%
\int_{-\infty}^\infty Q_m(x-j)Q_m(x-k)\dd x = M_{2m}(j-k). $$%
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