Family Medicine/National Climate Data Center Example

Input Data

The input data:


Display the number of visits to the UW Family Medicine Clinic and the temperature in Madison over a given time period, so that physicians can look for correlations.


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The visualization is created as follows:

  1. Define the 'Temperature, Jan 95' view with the NCDC server as its data source.
  2. Define the 'Clinic Visits, Jan 95' view with the local clinic data as its data source.
  3. Link X axes of these two views so that they display the same ranges of data.
  4. Define the 'Temperature, Jan 96' view with the NCDC server as its data source.
  5. Define the 'Clinic Visits, Jan 96' view with the local clinic data as its data source.
  6. Link the X axis of these two views.


When a user zooms or scrolls on the data, the temperature data is updated intelligently by requesting only the relevant data from the NCDC server.
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