Computer Sciences Dept.

CS 787 - Advanced Algorithms

Fall 2004
Picture of Al-Khwarizmi


See also the mailing list archive.

12/28: The final grades are assigned. The distribution is as follows: A: 6, AB: 5, B: 3, BC: 1, D: 1. Happy New Year to all of you!
10/28: Eric has moved to CS&S 3387. From now on, his office hours will take place there.
10/18: I'm moving to CS&S 4390 today. From now on, my office hours will take place there.
9/22: Homework 1 has been posted and is due on October 13. Start early and start often!
9/1: Guidelines for writing Scribe Notes in LaTeX have been posted.
Bear in mind that everyone will be required to typeset several lectures in pairs throughout the semester, and that we will only accept LaTeX. If you're not familiar with TeX or LaTeX, take a moment to read through the "Not-So-Short Introduction" linked in the guidelines.
8/13: Welcome to CS 787!
Please click on the "General Info" tab on the left to find out the information that is currently available about the Fall 2004 offering. More details will be added in due time.

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