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General Info
CS 577 Honors - Introduction to Algorithms
Spring 2011 |
5/3: |
As a result of a class poll, the due date for HW 6 is postponed till
Friday 5/6 at 2:30pm. You can drop your copy in Dieter's mailbox.
The review session for the final will be Friday 5/6, 7:15-9:15pm,
in 1263 CS.
The final is Sunday 5/8, 7:45-9:45am, in our lecture room (119 Noland).
3/15: |
The midterm will be in-class and consist of two parts. The first part takes
place during the lecture of Tuesday 3/22, and covers the material of HW 1
and HW 2; the second part takes place during the lecture of Thursday 3/24,
and covers the material of HW 1, HW 2, and HW 3.
There will be a review sessions on Monday 3/21, 5-7pm, and one on
Wednesday 3/23, 7:15-9:15pm. Both review sessions are in 1207 CS.
Dieter will have no office hours that week.
2/23: |
The deadline for HW 2 is extended till 3/1 at the beginning of class.
1/25: |
The first assignment is on-line and is due 2/8.
There will be no class on 1/27.
11/16: |
The lecture room for the review sessions is 1207 CS.
The first review session will be 1/26.
11/16: |
Welcome to the honors section of CS 577!
Please click on the "General Info" tab on the left
to find out the information that is currently available about the
Spring 2011 offering. More details will be added in due time.