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Dieter van Melkebeek
Professor |
List of Publications
- I. Hu, D. van Melkebeek, and A. Morgan.
Lower Bound Techniques in the Comparison-Query Model and Inversion Minimization on Trees. Theory of Computing, 20(7): 1-62, 2024.
- I. Hu, D. van Melkebeek, and A. Morgan.
Polynomial Identity Testing via Evaluation of Rational Functions.
Theory of Computing, 20(1): 1-70, 2024.
- D. van Melkebeek and N. Mocelin Sdroievski.
Leakage Resilience, Targeted Pseudorandom Generators, and Mild Derandomization of Arthur-Merlin Protocols. In Proceedings of the 43rd Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, pages 29:1-29:22, 2023.
- D. van Melkebeek and N. Mocelin Sdroievski.
Instance-Wise Hardness versus Randomness Tradeoffs for Arthur-Merlin Protocols
. In Proceedings of the 38th Computational Complexity Conference, pages 17:1-17:36, 2023.
- I. Hu, D. van Melkebeek, and A. Morgan.
Query Complexity of Inversion Minimization on Trees.
In Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pages 2836-2866, 2023.
- D. van Melkebeek and A. Morgan.
Polynomial Identity Testing via Evaluation of Rational Functions.
In Proceedings of the 13th Innovations in Theoretical
Computer Science Conference, pages 119:1-24, 2022.
- D. van Melkebeek and G. Prakriya.
Derandomizing Isolation in Space-Bounded Settings.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 48: 979-1021, 2019.
- E. Allender, J. Grochow, D. van Melkebeek, C. Moore, and A. Morgan.
Minimum Circuit Size, Graph Isomorphism, and Related Problems.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 47: 1339-1372, 2018.
- E. Allender, J. Grochow, D. van Melkebeek, C. Moore, and A. Morgan.
Minimum Circuit Size, Graph Isomorphism, and Related Problems.
In Proceedings of the 9th Innovations in Theoretical
Computer Science Conference, pages 20: 1-20, 2018.
- D. van Melkebeek and G. Prakriya.
Derandomizing Isolation in Space-Bounded Settings.
In Proceedings of the 32nd Computational Complexity Conference, pages 17: 1-33, 2017.
- B. Aydinlioglu and D. van Melkebeek.
Nondeterministic Circuit Lower Bounds from Mildly Derandomizing
Arthur-Merlin Games.
Computational Complexity, 26: 79-118, 2017.
- M. Anderson, D. van Melkebeek, and I. Volkovich.
Derandomizing Polynomial Identity Testing for Multilinear
Constant-Read Formulae.
Computational Complexity, 24: 695-776, 2015.
- H. Dell and D. van Melkebeek.
Satisfiability Allows No Nontrivial Sparsification
Unless The Polynomial-Time Hierarchy Collapses.
Journal of the ACM, 61(4), 27 pages, 2014.
- H. Dell, V. Kabanets, D. van Melkebeek, and O. Watanabe.
Valiant-Vazirani's Isolation Probability Improvable?
Computational Complexity, 22: 345-383, 2013.
Special issue for selected papers from the 27th IEEE
Conference on Computational Complexity.
- M. Anderson, D. van Melkebeek, N. Schweikardt, and
L. Segoufin.
from Circuit Lower Bounds.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 41: 1481-1523, 2012.
- B. Aydinlioglu and D. van Melkebeek.
Nondeterministic Circuit Lower Bounds from Mildly Derandomizing
Arthur-Merlin Games.
In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on Computational
Complexity, pages 269-279, 2012.
- H. Dell, V. Kabanets, D. van Melkebeek, and O. Watanabe.
Valiant-Vazirani's Isolation Probability Improvable?
In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Conference on Computational
Complexity, pages 10-20, 2012.
- G. Karakostas, J. Kinne, and D. van Melkebeek.
Derandomization and Average-Case Complexity of Monotone Functions.
Theoretical Computer Science, 434: 35-44, 2012.
- J. Kinne, D. van Melkebeek, and R. Shaltiel.
Pseudorandom Generators, Typically-Correct Derandomization, and
Circuit Lower Bounds.
Computational Complexity, 21: 3-61, 2012.
Special journal issue for selected papers from the
13th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation.
- D. van Melkebeek and T. Watson.
Efficient Simulations of Quantum Computations.
Theory of Computing, 8: 1-51, 2012.
- M. Anderson, D. van Melkebeek, N. Schweikardt, and
L. Segoufin.
of queries definable in invariant first-order logic with arbitrary
built-in predicates.
In Proceedings of the 38th International
Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Part II,
pages 368-379, 2011.
- M. Anderson, D. van Melkebeek, and I. Volkovich.
Derandomizing Polynomial Identity Testing for Multilinear
Constant-Read Formulae.
In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Conference on
Computational Complexity, pages 273-282, 2011.
- S. Aaronson and D. van Melkebeek.
On Circuit Lower Bounds from Derandomization.
Theory of Computing, 7: 177-184, 2011.
- S. Diehl, D. van Melkebeek, and R. Williams.
Improved Time-Space Lower Bound for Tautologies.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 22(3): 325-338, 2011.
Special issue for selected papers from the
15th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference.
- S. Aaronson, B. Aydinlioglu, H. Buhrman, J. Hitchcock, and
D. van Melkebeek.
A note on exponential circuit lower bounds from derandomizing
Arthur-Merlin games,
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Technical
Report ECCC-TR 10-174, 2010.
- H. Dell and D. van Melkebeek.
Satisfiability Allows No Nontrivial Sparsification
Unless The Polynomial-Time Hierarchy Collapses. In
Proceedings of the 42nd ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
pages 251-260, 2010.
- J. Kinne and D. van Melkebeek.
Space Hierarchy Results for Randomized and Other Semantic Models.
Computational Complexity, 19: 423-475, 2010.
- J. Kinne, D. van Melkebeek, and R. Shaltiel.
Pseudorandom Generators and Typically-Correct Derandomization.
In Proceedings of the
13th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation,
pages 574-587, 2009.
- S. Diehl, D. van Melkebeek, and R. Williams.
Improved Time-Space Lower Bound for Tautologies.
In Proceedings of the 15th International Computing and
Combinatorics Conference, pages 429-438, 2009.
- J. Kinne and D. van Melkebeek.
Space Hierarchy Results for Randomized Models. In
Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Theoretical
Aspects of Computer Science, pages 433-444, 2008.
- D. van Melkebeek.
A Survey of Lower Bounds for Satisfiability and Related Problems.
Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science,
2: 197-303, 2007.
- D. van Melkebeek and K. Pervyshev.
A Generic Time Hierarchy for Semantic Models With One Bit of Advice.
Computational Complexity, 16: 139-179, 2007.
Special issue for selected papers from the 21st Conference on
Computational Complexity.
- S. Diehl and D. van Melkebeek.
Lower Bounds for the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy on Randomized Machines.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 36: 563-594, 2006.
- D. van Melkebeek and K. Pervyshev.
A Generic Time Hierarchy for Semantic Models With One Bit of Advice.
In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Conference on
Computational Complexity, pages 129-142, 2006.
- E. Allender, H. Buhrman, M. Koucky, D. van Melkebeek, and D. Ronneburger.
Power from
Random Strings.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 35: 1467-1493, 2006.
- L. Antunes, L. Fortnow, D. van Melkebeek, and N. Vinodchandran.
Computational Depth: Concept and Applications.
Theoretical Computer Science, 354: 391-404, 2006.
Special issue for selected
papers from the 14th International Symposium on Fundamentals of
Computation Theory.
- J.-Y. Cai, V. Chakaravarthy, and D. van Melkebeek.
Time-Space Tradeoff In Derandomizing
Probabilistic Logspace.
Theory of Computing Systems, 39: 189-208, 2006.
Special issue for selected
papers from the 21st International Symposium
on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science.
- L. Fortnow, R. Lipton, D. van Melkebeek, and A. Viglas.
Lower Bounds for Satisfiability.
Journal of the ACM, 52: 835-865, 2005.
- S. Diehl and D. van Melkebeek.
Lower Bounds for the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy on Randomized Machines.
In Proceedings of the 32nd International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages and Programming, pages 982-993, 2005.
- D. van Melkebeek and R. Santhanam.
Holographic Proofs and Derandomization.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 35: 59-90, 2005.
- D. van Melkebeek and R. Raz.
A Time Lower Bound for Satisfiability.
Theoretical Computer Science, 348: 311-320, 2005.
Special issue for selected
papers from the 31st International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages and Programming.
- H. Buhrman, T. Lee, and D. van Melkebeek.
Compression and Pseudorandom Generators.
Computational Complexity, 14: 228-255, 2005.
Special issue for selected
papers from the 19th Annual Conference on
Computational Complexity.
- A. Lal and D. van Melkebeek.
Isomorphism for Colored Graphs with Color Multiplicity Bounded by 3.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Computer Sciences,
Technical Report 1523, 2005.
- D. van Melkebeek and R. Raz.
A Time Lower Bound for Satisfiability.
In Proceedings of the 31st International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages and Programming, pages 971-982, 2004.
- H. Buhrman, T. Lee, and D. van Melkebeek.
Language Compression and Pseudorandom
In Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE Conference on
Computational Complexity, pages 15-28, 2004.
- D. van Melkebeek.
Time-Space Lower Bounds for
NP-Complete Problems. In
G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, and A. Salomaa (eds.),
Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 265-291,
World Scientific, 2004.
- J.-Y. Cai, V. Chakaravarthy, and D. van Melkebeek.
Time-Space Tradeoff In Derandomizing
Probabilistic Logspace.
In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium
on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, pages 571-583, 2004.
- D. van Melkebeek and R. Santhanam.
Holographic Proofs and Derandomization.
In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on
Computational Complexity, pages 269-283, 2003.
- E. Allender, H. Buhrman, M. Koucky, D. van Melkebeek, and D. Ronneburger.
Power from Random Strings.
Proceedings of the
43rd IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,
pages 669-678, 2002.
- A. Klivans and D. van Melkebeek.
Graph Nonisomorphism Has
Subexponential Size Proofs Unless The Polynomial-Time
Hierarchy Collapses.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 31: 1501-1526, 2002.
- T. Hayes, S. Kutin, and D. van Melkebeek.
On the Quantum Black-Box Complexity of
Algorithmica, 34: 480-501, 2002.
Special issue for selected
papers on quantum information processing.
- L. Antunes, L. Fortnow, and D. van Melkebeek.
Computational Depth.
In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Conference on Computational
Complexity, pages 266-273, 2001.
- D. van Melkebeek.
Time-Space Lower Bounds for
Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical
Computer Science, 73: 57-77, 2001.
- D. van Melkebeek.
Randomness and Completeness in Computational
ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Series, LNCS 1950. Springer-Verlag,
- L. Fortnow and D. van Melkebeek.
Time-Space Tradeoffs for Nondeterministic
In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Computational
Complexity, pages 2-13, 2000.
- D. van Melkebeek.
The Zero-One Law Holds for BPP.
Theoretical Computer Science, 244(1-2): 283-288, 2000.
- H. Buhrman, D. van Melkebeek, K. Regan, D. Sivakumar, and M. Strauss.
A Generalization of Resource-Bounded
Measure, With Application to the BPP vs. EXP Problem.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 30(2): 576-601, 2000.
- H. Buhrman, L. Fortnow, D. van Melkebeek, and L. Torenvliet.
Separating Complexity Classes using Autoreducibility.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 29(5): 1497-1520, 2000.
- H. Buhrman, L. Fortnow, S. Fenner, and D. van Melkebeek.
Optimal Proof Systems and Sparse Sets.
In Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Theoretical
Aspects of Computer Science, pages 407-418, 2000.
- H. Buhrman and D. van Melkebeek.
Hard Sets Are Hard to Find.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 59(2): 327-345, 1999.
Special issue for selected papers from the 13th Conference on
Computational Complexity.
- A. Klivans and D. van Melkebeek.
Graph Nonisomorphism Has
Subexponential Size Proofs Unless The Polynomial-Time
Hierarchy Collapses.
In Proceedings of the 31st ACM Symposium on Theory of
Computing, pages 659-667, 1999.
- D. van Melkebeek.
Deterministic and Randomized Bounded
Truth-table Reductions of P, NL, and L to Sparse Sets.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 57(2): 213-232, 1998.
Special issue for selected papers from the 11th Conference on
Computational Complexity.
- D. van Melkebeek.
Derandomizing Arthur-Merlin Games.
The University of Chicago, Department of Computer Science,
Technical Report TR-98-08, July 1998.
- H. Buhrman and D. van Melkebeek.
Hard Sets Are Hard to Find.
In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Computational
Complexity , pages 170-181, 1998.
- H. Buhrman, D. van Melkebeek, K. Regan, D. Sivakumar, and M. Strauss.
A Generalization of Resource-Bounded
Measure, With an Application.
In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium
on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science , pages 161-171, 1998.
- D. van Melkebeek and M. Ogihara.
Sparse Hard Sets for P.
In: Du, D.-Z. and K.-I Ko (eds.),
Advances in Languages, Algorithms, and Complexity,
ISBN 0-7923-4396-4, p. 191-208.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
- D. van Melkebeek.
Reducing P to a Sparse Set using a
Constant Number of Queries Collapses P to L.
In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Conference on Computational
Complexity , pages 88-96, 1996.
- D. van Melkebeek and A. Bultheel.
On the Relation between Iterated Function
Systems and Partitioned Iterated Function Systems.
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Computerwetenschappen,
Technical Report TW 240, 1996.
- D. van Melkebeek and M. Van Barel.
Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set.
In: Warrinier, A. (ed.),
Why Is the Blue Sky Blue? On Order, Chaos and Fractals,
ISBN 90-6186-597-2, p. 67-87. Universitaire Pers Leuven, 1994.
Reference translated from Dutch.
- D. van Melkebeek and A. Bultheel.
Invariant Finite Borel Measures for
Rational Functions on the Riemann Sphere.
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées ,
73(2): 191-221, 1994.
- D. van Melkebeek and A. Bultheel.
Block Orthogonal Systems for Symmetric P-forms.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
49(1-3): 305-316, 1993.