Interested in Materials for CaTaPuLT clubs?
The curriculum used in each of our 9-12 week clubs is individualized by the UW-Madison student leaderss for each site each semester. The UW leaders try to pick activities that match the current interests of their students and plan lessons that are appropriate for the students' level of Scratch experience.
However, our beginner lessons do tend to cover the following structure:
- 2-3 weeks: Art (cover pen tools, stamps, x-y coordinates, sequential code, multiple scripts with concurrency, forever loops)
- 2-3 weeks: Interactive Stories (cover multiple sprites, if/else statements, broadcasts, simple loops)
- 2-3 weeks: Games (cover variables and more complex loops)
- 2-3 weeks: Work on Own Project
- Semester-Long Theme: Around the World with Scratch
- Semester-Long Theme: Under the Sea
- Semester-Long Theme: Out In Space
- Advanced Lessons
- Adventure/Maze game (good for Intermediate)
- 1-Lesson-StampArt-3.0.docx
- 2-Lesson-PenArt-3.0.docx
- 8-Lesson-GameOver-3.0.docx